just a part for me

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I admit I'm not a good writer and you probably did not like much of the story if anybody read at all but I am glad if you made it to this part! I have always been one to crave for this type of life and I feel like I am getting there though being really young is my biggest obstacle and I feel like things will change but its not as bad as I make it to be I always wanted to have someone to love with all I have and such I have had that but those two have died that'd why I like Clarke's character and can relate but I can in a many of ways other than that but that'd my main my main for lexa is not being able to give everything I have anymore after the death of my first cause I realized loving with all I got is my weakness. I do have a lot to say but its just I don't really wanna bore you guys but that's why I like lexa and I have had a hard life I really have a lot harder than most but hey I'm not saying I have the worst life in the world cause its not and don't complain cause you had a hard life be glad for it even at my age which is 14 just be glad cause their can always be something that's worse and that's something I don't have. I don't have love in my life and haven't for a very long time but I do have my best friends Gigi and netty and if it were not for those two I would not be alive right now and I'm grateful for them and all they done for me and I know they are grateful for what I have done for them as well.

PS ik my stories are not the best but at least vote and like for them with your heart and not such writers judgment but please tell me what I can do to please you and improve my writing and I am also open to suggestions for what to write that's all I have to say just leave whatever you gotta say in messages if that's how you do it if u a bit more personal

Just hit me up for the snap ya feel

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