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Komal's POV
(Carry on from chapter2)

"Assalmualaikum darling I'm Trisha and this is my husband yasser ,my daughters doniya waliyha and safaa" they all look at me in awe
"And that's our son Zayn"

"Walaikum assalam I'm Komal lovely to meet you all"I say as  Aunty n the girls give me a hug also uncle giving a fatherly hug

And then once I hugged everyone it was zayns turn...
I think he was expecting a hug but I just shook hands but when we did I felt butterflies I think? I think he felt it too cause his eyes shot  up to look at me....and I lost my self in them

As we did stare and not let go of each n others hands everyone just stared or smirked and the girls were sniggering🙄

We would have been like this for ages but...
safaa said.. "Zayn Bhai you can let go of Bhaji komi's hand"
Zayn quickly let go...blushing along with me
A while After the  embarrassing introduction we all sat down well I was going to but mum said to go make tea so I did and when I returned everyone was sat down on the sofas and the only place free was next to zayn on the love seat and it was a very very very tiny place like reallyyyy tiny....
So I just stood there awkwardly as everyone just stared except the girls n my brothers.
Next aunt Trisha said the unexpected
"Komal darling how about you sit down next to zayn and if the space is too small just sit on his lap" like what the heck who says that I looked at my mum abut weirded out and she just nodded like what is going on???
I just looked down at the floor but I could feel zayns stare...

"Komi Bhaji you can sit in my place and I can sit in your lap if you want me to" safaa said saving me I just nodded not realising it was still next to zayn close as I sit down safaa leaps on my lap and everyone(the parents) start talking normally
And me and safaa talk about random things too
After some time uncle yasser and my father announce they have something important to say but only after dinner
So my mother left for the kitchen but she tells me she doesn't need help so I just stay and aunt Trisha goes instead
A little while later my mother say
"DINNERS READY" so we all go to the dining room and once again I was (TECNICALLY) forced to sit next to zayn not that I'm complaining or anything but...still so...yeh
"Oh wow Sam this is amazing how do you cook chicken so well you need to teach me recipes"aunt Trisha says
"Oh Trisha thank you so much but really I didn't make it Komal made that dish" smiling proudly
Everyone just stares at me after that they start eating again(seriously what's with the staring🙄)
A little while later....
(insert sponge bob voice thing)
"so kids as we were saying we have an announcement to make"Aunt Trisha says as the adults all nod
"So umm before your grandmothers had died they both had a agreement which cannot be broken"my dad says "In this agreement  trishas  oldest son shall marry and Salma's Oldest biological daughter which is Komal because khadija is adopted would marry" uncle yasser Carrys on My eyes widen more each time and I look at zayn to see him shocked but smirking st me
"So long story short Zayn your marrying Komal...ect." Aunt Trisha says
"But we need u to say yes or no even tho Youll still marry" my mum finishes with
oh geez mum thanks

"Komal zayn  please say yes your grandmothers would be very proud"

"YES"..............when zayn say this with no hesitation my eyes shoot up to see him on one knee with a Le Vian Chocolatier ltd diamond ring  "Komal I know this is an arrange marriage but I already knew and I was all prepared for this and also I know girls want their proposals and so I thought I'd propose to you soo Komal I promise i will look after you for the rest of your life....i will love you and never let you go and hope fully we'll learn to love each other so will you please Give me the honour and pride to have you as my gorgeous wife"zayn says

I jump on him and hug him so tight say........................YES.....
"YES YES YES YES ZAYN YESSS I WILL" with tears in my eyes......
{to be continued......

Please vote,comment&share love you all lots
Ps that photo up there isn't very clear but I'll change it as soon as my mum lets me take a picture of her chocolatier diamond xx
Dedicated to NiddaDurrani thank you soo so much for the motivation xxx

ME??? ZAYN??? WHAT???? (An arranged marriage) {z.m}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt