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I can not believe it.

Both parents and my neighbours the brannans decided to go to the horror festival like wild adrenline junkies leaving me with their child toby whom I know very well and is currently sitting across from me wide eye'd chewing slowly on a sour green sweet as a man turns into a werewolf on screen.

"Do you know any really scary stories?" Toby asks averting his gaze to me for the first time since the movie started.

"I know a real one." I whisper leaning closer to his crouched position.

"Tell me! Tell me one!" He excitedly bouces grinning up at me.

"Once their was a girl called Amy martin she got bullied one day it was so bad a boy named Rhy Finley tied her to the basketball pole in the gym-"

"Did she escape?" Toby interrupts immidately hopefull eyes wide in anticipation.

I shook my head sadly, hair tickling the nape of my neck,"What Rhy forgot was the school was having a two week break for summer one came to help Amy because ' they assumed she was at camp' even her dad because Rhy said he saw her going on the bus not like he cared anyway." I shivered at the distant memeory of Larry's hollow eyes his stocky figure lurring beside the bystanders at school.

"So what happened to her?" He questions innocently cocking his head to the side his blue eyes looking to big did his face.

"The groundsman found her slumped...dead but the strangest thing there was no sign of struggle against the ropes...and there were horse prints circling around her and a note beside a cheap sneakers." The tv glitches slightly causing the living room to darken for a moment.

"What did it say!"

"'For what evil has been inflicted upon you sweet child,I shall do the same in return.'" Toby had by now ten fingers in his mouth.

I leaned back from him with raised eyebrows,"It had a initials."

"Initials who's?" His words barely audible.

"It was signed..." I leaned forward again,"L.M." the tv gliched again causing casting shadows from the spidery decorations on the windows that the brannans out up two days ago scared the living daylights out of people passing by.

Toby mumbled to himself with his arms wrapped around his legs in the fetal postion.

"Laurence Martin!" He screeched mouth opened wide his face scrunched as if he had eaten something sour.

"What happened...did they find huh I don't..." He stutters looking paler by the passing second.

"Laurence went missing the day she had been found, he watched at the school the morning Amy was brought out on a strecher the white sheet to big for her small one has seen him since." I explain to the ditressed eleven year old.

"What about Rhy?"

I shrug,"His parents were rich he got away it until..." I allowed the sentence to hang unsure to finish it.

"Until what!?"

"On the 16th of October the day of Amy Martin's one year anniversary Rhy was found dead in his room his face freaky yellow his body laying across the floor his eyes and mouth open wide, a note by his hand,"

"What did it say?" He whispers his shoulders tense.

"'I have kept you await for my longest night for the pain you endured with others with for the lies you spoke up to God's awful night.

So do not fret of be of fright for I will lead you into the darkest light.'"

"It was signed again L.M"

"Do you what Rhys mom heard during the night?"


"The lights went out and!" I took in a large breath and clunched my hand,"BOO!" I pulled the black mask from behind me as Toby screamed jumping away falling down behind the couch, I laughed clutching my stomach.

Through my blurred vision Tobys floppy moist hair and forest green eyes narrow peeped from the couch.

"You scared me! Your a horrible babysitter!" I didn't deny that.

"I'm sorry okay forgive me..." I pout and his eyes narrow further.

"Will you give me popcorn?"

"Didn't you have enough?" Glaning at all the opened bag of Jellos and crisps that he probably only got of this neighbourhood alone.

Toby folded his arms while I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay go upstairs and I'll get you some,' As Toby began walking out of the room he stopped and turned slowly around.

"So the story isn't true?"

"Of course not," I laugh hoping it came out realistically.

"So you tricked me." He points jutting out his lower lip.

"Happy Halloween." I grin before making my way towards the well decorated kitchen.

The story was true but I obviously wasn't going to tell Toby that, I've already have him scare to last him a lifetime.

It was twenty or more years ago we done a project on it last year in religion I know weird? But at the time it was the boom of goth and devil worship the story was stereotyped as that but over the years many speculations are told it's like a game of fact and fiction nobody really wanted to engage into the investigation at the time clearly of fear of being L.Ms next victim.

It was the only project I had an interest in because the case of bullied Amy Martin the big bully Rhy Finley and the mysterious Larry Martin is still on going.

The fireworks began I could see them clearly from the back porch exploding into the dark night the only problem was it caused dogs to go crazy including the brannans dog sassy who barked loudly at every bang.

I popped popcorn into my mouth as I made my way upstairs Toby had an unhealthy obsession with lava lamps I lost count of how many I dodged on the way in.

"Here you go happy." He smiled taking it from me.

"My tv isn't working," The screen kept frizzing in and out of tune and I frown before I twist the back of it the signal.

"It's working! Your the best babysitter ever,"

"What can I say I'm a genius." He hit my hand away as I scruffled his hair.

I switched on the hallway light before making my way downstairs, I ate most of Tobys sweets while I watched a cartooned movie which was turning out to be good I can't stomach horrors or anything gory not even fake blood it makes me want to vomit then faint and repeat until the image just leaves my winding mind.


"What!" I yell my mouth stuffed with marshmallows.

He doesn't reply, I make my way back upstairs swatting the tingy decoration out of the way.

I leaned on the doorframe as Toby slowly turns all his lava lamps off, sassy starts barking without the sound of fireworks.

"The man doesn't like the light on."

"What man?" I laugh he says nothing only motioning with his small arm behind me as I felt a cold chill creep up my spine.

La muerte- The death  🎃

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