Give me one more Chans

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This is the end. I have slayed everyone up to this point. It feels good to achieve something. I just wish it was something productive. No, these monsters are, well... monsters. All they wanted to do was kill me and take my soul. I've seen it timeline after timeline. Sure, I befriended them all In the end, but their initial goal was still always the same. All but one. The skeleton stood before me, as if he was waiting for me to accept his challenge.

"So, kid. You look confused, like, you are starting to regret your choices. C a n y o u f e e l t h e m? C a n y o u f e e l y o u r s i n s?" Sans asked.

It's as if he's trying to make me guilty. It's working.

I dropped my weapon, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

"I forfeit." I managed to choke out.

Sans looked confused. He wasn't sure how to react.

"I'm sorry kid, but uh, could you please repeat that?" Sans questioned, still confused that his taunt didn't work.

"I... I give in. You win."

At this point, Chara was crying.

"Well, that's... that's unexpected. Can you maybe, kick that pan of yours aside?"

Sans was still unsure of Chara's intent.

Chara moved their foot to kick the pan.

"Actually, I'll move it." Sans interupted.

The skeleton raised his arm and threw the pan across the hall behind him, still not turning his back on Chara.

"Come closer." Sans instructed, opening his arms, gesturing for a hug.

Chara naively moved closer to Sans. A smile apeared on the skeletons face.

'Yes, after all these resets, they're finally coming around' Sans thought.

Chara, now sobbing, stood directly infront of Sans.

Sans interupted with a faint "Sorry about this" before throwing bones through Chara, very quickly draining their HP.

Chara layed motionless in a pool of their own blood.

Sans knelt down to their ear level.

"Listen, kid. You seemed genuine about what you said. Reset. Give up everything and reset. Trust me, I'll remember. Meet me in the same place we first met. I'll be waiting." Sans instructed.

"Unless, y'know, you dont care, and you were just trying to kill me, in which case, shame on you" Sans added.

Chara hit reset.

Falling. Chara never got used to it. It always hurt. Chara rolled over to take the stick that was always there, to instead see a note.

"Hey kid, wasn't actually expecting you to reset. I took that stick, I know you. Dont kill anyone, you can do that again right? I'll be watching. Kill ANYONE and, well I might have to get not so friendly with you. And wouldn't that be a crummy juncture"

Chara sighed and got up. They applied the bandage that they always kept with them and walked to the next room.

Chara saw Flowey sitting in his usual place in the room, but with an angry look.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? I WATCHED THE FIGHT. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You are weak, Chara" Yelled Flowey before popping back into the ground to make way for Toriel.

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