
49 3 14

I have 4 fantrolls. Hoo, boy. Here we go.

 Here we go

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I have put their pictures in the order I created them, though I saved the first one I made for last (karkat much?ahahahahaimnotfunny)This is because she has an "Enter Name" as I like to call them

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I have put their pictures in the order I created them, though I saved the first one I made for last (karkat much?ahahahahaimnotfunny)
This is because she has an "Enter Name" as I like to call them.

I have put their pictures in the order I created them, though I saved the first one I made for last (karkat much?ahahahahaimnotfunny)This is because she has an "Enter Name" as I like to call them

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( I got the order wrong rIP)

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( I got the order wrong rIP)

Your name is MEIKOS KREIKK. Your name includes an excessive amount of EI's and K's. You have a passion for watching OVERLY-CHEESY ROMCOMS, making fun of them. Despite this, you enjoy taking advantage of any chance to reference them in everyday conversation, to your friends' discontentment. Because of this, some call you a hypocrite, which you defend against, saying that it's simply HILARIOUS IRONY. You get excited easily, and many label you as CARELESS. In actuality, you are really quite the ANALYTICAL TYPE. In other words, you can tell when shit's up. Your blood color is MAUVE, not that you'd be able to distinguish it from any other color, seeing as that is IMPOSSIBLE for you to do so. You are COLORBLIND, meaning that everything is black, white, or some shade of grey. Despite this, you love wearing VARIOUS COLORS throughout your ensemble. Your Trollian tag is colorcasteCreative [CC], and you tend to mix up your colors and talk in a somewhat acceuted mauuer, uot that yon miud any.

I created her tag before noticing that Feferi's tag (cuddlefishCuller) already has CC as its acronym. No need for anyone to point that out, as I have already thoroughly rammed my skull into a wall like a good little girl.
I'll probably mention these 4 often in the future, letting you get to know them and whatnot.
Welp. Bye until then, I suppose!

PS: Here are their symbols:

PS: Here are their symbols:

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Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Meikos' is on the back of her vest, by the way)

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(Meikos' is on the back of her vest, by the way)

Drawings and DrabblesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt