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Sam and Dean were sitting at a table in a diner waiting for their coffee and breakfast they ordered. They just finished a successful Hunt once again with a demon back in Denver, Colorado. Now they were in Phoenix, Arizona. They decided to stop and get something to eat. The waitress came back over with their food. Dean sat up and licked his lips hungrily. " Thanks sweetie." He said smirking at the waitress, who only rolled her eyes and scoffed. Sam chuckled lightly.

Dean's phone vibrated suddenly on the table. Sam and him looked at each other slightly as Dean picked it up. " Dean?" The voice asked. It was Bobby.
" Hey Bobby what's up?" " I got a case for you and Sam. This one seems huge." Bobby said. Sam gave Dean a confused look. Den held up his finger. " Well where is the case?" Dean asked as he put the phone on speaker. Sam moved closer to hear.

" Beacon Hills, California." Dean's eyebrows knitted together, so did Sam's.
"What's going on in Beacon Hills?" Bobby proceeded to explain about the strong supernatural activity happening in that town: Werewolves, Banshees, Kanimas, etc. He explained that it's the Teens that are the creatures, most of them at the High School. There was defiantly something bad going to happen that those kids couldn't hold off for long even with the powers they have. He also said, this hunt could possibly be a long one, not just a few days like usual.

"Has there been any incidents lately there?" Dean asked. Sam was a little irritated. He was listening but he just, didn't want to help out some bratty kids with hormone problems. But he figured, it would be wrong not to help them out. After all, Sam has gone through hell and back. Literally. He thought about how he saw the things he saw when he let Lucifer in. Now that he came back from the pit, Dean and him were closer than ever. He remembered Dean's face when he came back, when he saw Dean doing exactly what he promised; being with Lisa. Dean didn't believe it was Sam at first. But Sam did every thing a demon would hate and nothing happened. He was just Sam. Dean instantly hugged him and Sam hugged tighter, seeing his older brother again after the longest year of their lives. It seemed even longer when Sam didn't Come Back with a soul. But dean and him made it through. Sam smiled at the memory, and felt his eyes water.

Dean said goodbye and put his phone in his pocket. Dean looked up at his baby brother and saw Sam wiping at his eyes. " Are you crying?" He asked chuckling a little. Sam laughed. " It's been a year since me bent in hell and that stuff with my soul. I was just remembering your reaction when you first saw me." Hechuckled. Dean smiled. " Sammy,I didn't think you were going to come back." Dean said a little emotionally. " Dean, we are Winchesters. We practically never die." Sam said smiling. They sat there a few seconds remembering the whole apocalypse and everything that led up to it.
" So, what did Bobby say that was happening in Beacon Hills?" Sam asked as he sipped his coffee. Dean signed. " Well, you might wanna get your coffee to go because, it's a lot to say and I don't wanna waste good driving time in here."

Dean said pointing around at the Diner. So Sam got his coffee to go and Dean paid the bill, leaving a good tip for the good looking waitress. They walked to the Impala, got in and started off to California.

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