[Part One] out of [Two]

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"Mr. Novak, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure, hurry up." Mr. Novak silently turned back to his lesson, glancing at the clock. He focused on the chalkboard, attempting to teach his class about ancient civilization.

"Mr. Novak?" An arrogant-sounding voice made itself known.

"...yes?" Clearly not in a good mood, Mr. Novak was hesitant as to what this kid's question could possibly be.

"Why do we learn about all this bullshit?" Great question, thanks.

"I don't have an answer to that."

"Aren't you supposed to have the answers? You're a teacher, right?" The kid rolled his eyes and fist-bumped his friend.

"Stop asking questions you want answers to if you know the person you ask doesn't have an answer to give." All that was heard was a whispered oh shit, he went there at the back of the classroom.

"Please, let me teach my lesson." And with a deep breath, he began to explain ancient religion, handing out a worksheet so he could step out of the classroom and clear his head. Slipping his cell phone into his pocket, he excused himself. He dialed his husband's number, praying that he would answer.

And he did. It's not like him to pass Castiel's calls. "Cas, how are you?"

"Dean, I think the kids have made it pretty clear they don't want me to be their teacher."

"You can't quit this though, you love teaching! And the school doesn't really have a replacement for both Mrs. Prince and you."

"I know, I just don't love the price that comes with this job."

"You'll be okay, text me if you need anything. Hey, I love you, don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too, always remember that. See you soon, Dean."

"Soon, Cas, soon." Castiel hung up and walked back into his classroom. Taking a deep breath, he noticed a group of students in the back of the classroom, surrounding a phone. They were watching a video, and to be specific, Dean's video. Yes, Dean was a famous YouTuber, and yes, Castiel was married to him. He only went by Mr. Novak in school, because he could only imagine the chaos that would unfold if everyone knew. Dean wouldn't care, but his husband would. Everyone knew Dean's husband as Cas anyway, and he wasn't even in any videos.

But he recognized the video, it was one of Dean's newer vlogs, in which he talked about getting a speeding ticket. That was one hell of a story, maybe for another time. However, the students weren't allowed phones in school.

Castiel cleared his throat, and all the students ran to their desks as fast as they could. The owner of the phone reluctantly placed it in her teacher's open hand. He smiled slightly at the sight of Dean's face onscreen.

"Hey, Mr. Novak, we knew you were gay, but... hmm... having the hots for Dean? Must be one hell of a ride to watch him talk about how great his husband is all the time."

"Oh, no I've never seen his videos. He is cute, though. Anyway, what does he say about his husband?" Castiel was curious to see if the students knew anything.

One girl jumped up from her chair, and Castiel recognized her as Reese. "Once, Dean was describing his eyes, and I wish I was lucky enough to see his husband's face light up like Dean says it always does. Oh! And, once Dean was talking about his car, and, I mean, he loves his car-"

He really does, Castiel thought.

"-but then he said that he loves his husband more." The girl that spoke was smiling madly, but she really knew her stuff. Yet so did Castiel. He had seen and/or filmed every video.

"Don't forget that one time Dean almost literally dragged Cas on camera, but then their power went out and you couldn't see them anyway!"

"Sounds like his husband has one hell of a time." Castiel chuckled at his own statement.

"I'm sure he does, I mean, he's married to Dean fucking Winchester."

"Oh my god, remember the wedding vlog?"

"Stacey, Jesus Christ it wasn't a vlog. Dean was explaining how everything literally could not have been a better night."

"No, he was complaining about the beer!"

Actually, it was the scotch, and he wasn't complaining, he was talking about he wasn't allowed to steal any for our 'afterparty'. But Castiel didn't say anything. It was kind of entertaining to hear the kids bicker about Dean's videos, because Mr. Novak didn't know anything about Dean Winchester.

Castiel Winchester, on the other hand, knew a hell of a lot about Dean Winchester. For example, the way he stared a second too long at things he loved. To remind anyone that was watching that if anyone took that away, he wouldn't be able to live. Or what about the way he held Castiel's hand, lacing their fingers together, silently reminding him that everything would be okay. Even the way that he would sit down, relaxed, right at home. The way he kicked off his shoes once he stepped in the doorway to let Castiel know he was back from wherever he may have been. It never really mattered where he went, as long as he came back. A pair of black combat boots next to a pair of worn out dress shoes. Oh my goodness, and just the way he pulled someone into a hug and didn't let them go until he knew they were okay. Castiel had witnessed each and every one of these things over the course of the many years he had loved Dean. And he wouldn't trade any of these things for the world.

"Uh, Mr. Novak, you okay? You spaced out a little."

"Yeah, I- I'm fine." Castiel turned red as he walked up and down the rows of desks, collecting the worksheets. Right as he collected the last one, he heard whispers about Dean's vlog, y'know, the speeding ticket. Someone had taken out their phone, and was now playing it for the class. How exciting.

Castiel listened anyway, he listened to Dean's voice, he listened to fragments of conversation, and he was laughing quietly to himself.

"Guys, you need to update me."

"...on what?"

"...the memes, obviously."

"Mr. Novak, what the actual fuck?"

"God, last week it was Pepe, this week it's Dat Boi™, and next week it'll be Spongebob again."


"No, I didn't, that's just the worst one."

"What did you just say?" A student, coincidentally named Daniel, shouted.

"Damn Daniel is legitimately the worst meme I have ever se-" the bell rang and the students filed out, confusedly whispering about how Mr. Novak didn't know Dean Winchester, but he knew what memes were. Since that was-gratefully-'Mr. Novak's' last class of the day, he drove home, the silence discomforting. As soon as he stepped in the doorway, he called out Dean's name, and walked into where Dean would most likely be. The kitchen. And he, Castiel, was correct. Dean was sitting there, a picnic basket in one hand, the other outstretched for Castiel to take.

"I told you a date was long overdue."

"Don't you need a good story for the fans anyway?"

"I've told you before, babe, you come first. You always come first."

Oh, Dean Winchester. Ever the hopeless romantic.

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