[Part Two] out of [Two]

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That picnic date weeks behind them, Mr. Novak was back at school. The bell rang, and all the students quickly filed out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria. Mr. Novak sighed, pulling his phone out of his pocket to text his husband. He forgot his lunch at home, and Dean would have to drop it off. Now was Mr. Novak's off period, but he wasn't really hungry. He texted Dean to drop it off at 12:45, which was the start of next period. Oh joy, all the students would find out about the relationship he had carefully hidden all these months. Great.

The period passed with ease. The halls were surprisingly quiet for once. Mr. Novak kept his eyes on the door as the bell rang and the students sat down in their seats.

"Mr. Novak?" a voice called out.


"Do we have to do work?"

"Ye- you know what, before we do that, I need more meme updates." just imagine that sentence in cas' voice i'm dead goodbye

"Uh, I don't really know of any good memes right now."

"Okay then, back to the lesson. Politics. Alright, I need the left half-my left-of the room to be Hillary Clinton. Right half become Donald Tru-"

"But Trump sucks!"

"Then come into the middle. We need voters anyway. Three from each side, please. Okay, now it's debate time. Someone pick a topic."

"Abortion laws!" the resident gay kid (and extreme LGBT+ activist) shouted.

"Alright, let's try it. Clinton, you have the floor." lol now all i'm imagining are the cabinet battles

The students began debating, using their own prior knowledge of the candidate's positions on the topic. That's when the door opened, and in stepped Dean Winchester.

It wasn't until the door slammed shut, Dean pressed his lips to Castiel's, and Cas let out a timid 'hi', that everyone noticed Dean was here.

Stacey screamed first. "HOLY SHIT DEAN FUCKING WINCHESTER IS HERE. HOLY SHIT (holy shit x10) yes i'm heathers trash HI DEAN I'M STACEY AND I'VE SEEN EVERY ONE OF YOUR VIDEOS AND I LOVED THE PICNIC STORY-" 'Mr. Novak' blushed at that. "AND I LOVE YOUR CAR-"

"I love it, too. You know, it was a present from this one's family." Dean pointed to Castiel, who was smiling slightly.

"Present? As in, like, you know each other?"

"Present, as in like we love each other and my family bought him a car." Castiel announced.


"No, we aren't dating."

"But you- yo- you said- you said- and-"

"Stacey, look at their hands." Wedding rings. "And Dean has a husband, not a boyfriend, God, do you know anything?"

"Oh my god, you- you're Castiel." Stacey was smiling. "And you're married to Dean. You aren't Mr. Novak, you're Mr. Winchester."

"That's how you know about the memes!" a kid named Dan shouted.

"I just came to drop off this one's lunch, but I'll stay if you guys want. If I'm allowed."

"Always." Cas nodded, which was followed by a chorus of 'aww's'. Castiel blushed furiously, and suddenly the walls of the classroom faded, and they were back on the field, a basket in Dean's hand, a smile on his face.

They frolicked through the fields, picking strawberries and laughing while a romantic soundtrack played behi-


They laid down in the grass, the clouds moving above them slowly, forming different shapes.

"Hey, that one looks like angel wings." Dean pointed out.

"That one looks like a- well, a gun." Castiel shrugged. Dean chuckled. He shifted, sitting up and facing his husband.

"Come on, let's go for a walk."

"But I'm comfortable here."

"But Cas." Dean whined, dragging out the 'a'.

"But Dean." Castiel replied, mocking his tone. He got up anyway, interlocking their fingers.

The two made their way through the leaf-covered path, Castiel looking at nothing but Dean, and Dean looking at nothing but Castiel. my writing is so fuckign cringe wtf i hate it

The classroom walls appeared again as all the students began begging for autographs and questions like 'can i be in a vlog?' and 'can you adopt me?' surfaced. Castiel sighed and stepped out of the room. Dean excused himself from the crowd and met Castiel outside the door.

"Cas, are you okay?"

Castiel shook his head in response. He fell into Dean's arms, tears threatening to spill.

"It's overwhelming, y'know, crowds and stuff." Cas mumbled.

"Do you want to stay out here? I'll go back inside and finish up, and then you'll be 'sick' and we can go home."

Home. It sounded so enticing. He agreed.

Back at home, Castiel's tears dried.

Back at home, Dean's arm was wrapped around his lover's body protectively.

Back at home, the two of them discussed future plans. Like, would they ever adopt? (yes) Would they ever film the boyfriend tag? (yes)

Would they ever stop loving each other?


GUYS IT'S DONE AND TBH I'M SO PROUD OF THIS. GOD BLESS SUMMER I ACTUALLY HAVE TIME TO WRITE. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED CRINGING (or maybe this is actually not that cringey i couldn't really tell you)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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