Rewind? Or Fast Foward?

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• Rebecca's POV

So, we kissed. It wasn't that big of a deal. He was an amateur and there was no spark; especially no emotional attachment. I only did it for his sake cause he's never kissed a girl before. Believe me, I could tell. His tongue was all over the place and he could barely keep up with me. Also, he did get me to pass my English test. So, it was an extra reward, too.

Just when I got up and pressed the button to get off at the next stop, Jacob held on to my wrist. I looked back at him confused as he apologized and took his hand off of me, "Why are you getting off? This isn't our stop." He said. Alyssa, waking up from her slumber, yawned and rubbed her eyes with her fists. 

"Yeah, I know. It's just that Alyssa and I had plans today." 

"We do?" Alyssa asked at loss. Ugh, why does this girl have to be so dull? I mean, I knew she wasn't the brightest at times, but all she had to do was play along.

"Yes. We do. Remember?" I gave her the 'eye' and she understood at once.

"Ohhh!~ Right. We had that.... thing." I know. She was a terrible liar. We were still working on it though.

"You can tutor me on Monday, okay? Bye!" I took Alyssa's hand and made her follow me out the back of the bus. I had to get out of there before things got even weirder between me and Jacob. I didn't wanna lead the poor guy on. I just really wish that he didn't take it the wrong way.

We stood there next to the bus stop and Alyssa asked, "Why are we here?" She acknowledged my reaction right when I didn't answer her directly. The place looked familiar to her and she knew it all too well. It took a few seconds for her to realize why we got off in this particular area. 

"Ay, mi hija..." (Oh, sweetie...) She sighed, looking at me with pity. "Don't do this..." She continued.

"Believe me, I don't want to either. But I have to." I sighed.

"You sure about this? Cause I'm totally up for a manicure. I'm serious. We can go right now if you aren't sure about doing this." She said. I chuckled and linked my arm with hers.

"Come on. Let's go." I said as we both ambulated up to the big, luxurious house. I rang the doorbell, and a couple of seconds later, a familiar face popped up behind the glass door with a  smile of delight.

"Rebecca! It's been a while!" She exclaimed, giving me a warming hug, then one to Alyssa.

"Hi, Mrs. Vecera!" We said simultaneously, flashing bright smiles. Okay, I know what you're thinking. Why would I be at Adam's house? But after that Instagram post he posted up the other day, I felt extremely remorseful.

 Why would I be at Adam's house? But after that Instagram post he posted up the other day, I felt extremely remorseful

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I could just tell he was hurting so much, but this was his fault from the beginning. Normally, I would never let my feelings get in the way of my reputation at school. I had an image to protect. But with Adam, it was too difficult to do that.

"Come in! Adam just got home from practice not too long ago. He's upstairs in his room." She said, closing the door after us. I went upstairs straight away while Alyssa stayed in the kitchen with Mrs. Vecera, helping her cut up some vegetables.

Reaching the second floor, I knocked on his bedroom door and entered without approval. I saw him wearing a turquoise tank top and black harem sweatpants. Damn. He looked so fucking hot. The way his biceps stood out of his shirt was oh-so amazingly sexy. 

Doing his homework at his desk, he turned to me in shock, "Hey." I said, forcing a smile. We've never been so awkward with each other before. This had to be the first. And I despised it.

"Hey... What are you doing here?"

"I... wanted to see you." I sat on the edge of his bed with my hands in my jacket pockets.

"I mean, I didn't plan on coming here at first, but... I missed you."

"I missed you, too--" I cut him off, standing up from his bed.

"No, Adam. You don't understand. I don't wanna feel this way about you. You kissed someone else and that fucking hurt."

".... Then why did you come?"

"Cause... I wanna be with you. I can't stop thinking about you, and it bugs me. A lot."

"How do you think I feel?" He smirked and got up from his chair to clasp his hands with mine. I sneered.

"I can't even focus on my homework. For the past hour, I've been trying to come up with ways to win you back. And to be honest, I never thought to hear those words come out of your mouth." We both chuckled. Butterflies magically reappeared in my stomach after so long. He took my hand, leading me to his desk chair.  I straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in to kiss him.

He stared deeply into my eyes and said, "I love you." I turned away blushing and he giggled. Well, that was embarrassing. Since when did I blush? Maybe that said something. 

"I mean it, Becky. I'm not losing you again." He was serious about this. But how could I tell for sure that he wasn't gonna break my heart again? I looked at him speechless and started laughing. I don't know why, but this felt way too cringe for me. No guy has ever said those three words to me the way he did. Well... maybe one.

"I love you, too." I blushed anew. We kissed and it felt magical. The second I opened my mouth, he entered his tongue. I heard myself moan and snickered into the kiss.

As it escalated, Adam's hands tried unzipping my shorts. Damn. He's been hungry for a while, huh? There was no way that I was having sex with him when his mom and Alyssa were right downstairs. But I was so turned on and I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him to throw me on his bed and rip his fucking tank-top off so badly.

"Adam, I can't."

"Yes, you can." He panted, eyes filled with lust. He pulled me in closer. I kissed him once more and he cupped my neck to deepen it, but I pulled away anew. 

"I have to go. Alyssa's waiting for me downstairs." I stood up having my hands still intertwined with his.

"Let her wait a few more minutes... or hours. We can go slow if you want." He smirked and got up to kiss my lips passionately before I could even say anything else. God. I couldn't help but smirk at his sexy and irresistible ways. "You mind if I take your shirt off?" He whispered in my ear and unbuttoned my oversized plaid shirt without restraint.

"Becca, ve más despacio!~ (Becca, slow down!~) What the fuck is going on in here?" Alyssa shouted. Shit. Now I'm dead.

"This was NOT how it was supposed to go down! We're leaving! Let's go! I cannot fucking believe you," She took my hand and dragged me out of his room. What the hell did I do wrong? It wasn't like we were actually doing something besides making out. I couldn't help my fucking feelings for the guys.
Hey guys! Hope you're loving the story so far. Doesn't that Ne-yo & Rihanna song go so well with Rebecca and Adam? Which song do you think would go well with Jacob and Rebecca? 🤔

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