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A slight pain crept up your back from the impact of hitting the wall. The trash bin you were holding slipped from your grasp and crashed noisily onto the concrete pavement, the contents spilling out. You glared at the handful of girls surrounding you with smirks on their faces. You felt nothing more than the urge to wipe those smirks off their faces.

Rolling your eyes, you ignored the bunch and bent down to clear up the rubbish, but was once again shoved by one of the "Queen's" minions.

"How dare you ignore us!"

You clenched your fist, trying to sooth the rage building up inside you. You knew that the moment you fought back, they would have a reason to report you. That situation would be too troublesome for you to tolerate.

The "Queen" of the group put her hands on her hips and leaned down towards you.

"Don't get all cocky because Jiyong-oppa chose you." She hissed. "You better stay as far away from him as you can. Jiyong-oppa would never like someone like you."

You laughed internally. These people really had nothing better to do with their lives.

"Oh yeah? Then would you kindly enlighten me on what kind of people Jiyong likes?" You retorted, folding your arms.

The "Queen" snickered. "Of course he likes people like yours truly." She gestured to herself. "Good looks, good figure, and perfect style."

"And rotten personality."

You turned towards the owner of the voice, while the other girls did the same. It was none other than their most favourite G-Dragon.

Seeing her idol, the "Queen" immediately dashed towards him, fussing over him and obviously trying to flirt with him, but Jiyong did not even spare her a glance. He went straight to you, wrapping an arm over your shoulders.

"If you guys mess with her one more time, you'll get it from me." Jiyong's voice deepened as he glared at his fangirls. "And people with personalities like yours, are the ones I avoid, so tattoo that into your mind."

With an unsatisfied look on their faces, they had no choice but to retreat.

"Thanks Jiyong." You smiled at him as you lifted his arm off, before bending down to clear the rubbish you had intended to from the start.

"Aw (Name), you're so cold. Not that I don't like it." Jiyong teased as he bent down to help you.

When he saw your face, he chuckled.

It was as red as an apple.

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