Chapter 2

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 You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want

Its funny when you hear about another day of rape. Another day of murder. Another ticking bomb to bury deep. You can see it on the news. You can watch it on TV. You can read it on your phone. You can say it's troubling. But those are just words. You're not physically doing something to try to prevent it. So when saying 'It's troubling'. Its like you never said anything at all. Because that is what it's worth. Nothing.

When thinking anything negative that has happened to others that you've saw, you don't think that it could happen to you. That it will never happen to you. That you're the exception. Well let me break it to you darling. Humans are not always going to behave as we think we always should. We can be bad as we can be bad.

We live.

We die.

We steal.

We kill.

We lie.

We are just like the animals we hunt, but with far less grace. No matter how many times we tell ourselves that we're the ones right. The ones in charge. The ones who controls the world. We are far less superior than we really think. We are just another animal. Nothing more, nothing less. Humans are often more stupid than they realize. When you're faced with a terrible situation, it is only then you start to pray. To plead, saying please not me. Please help me. I don't want to die. And everyone will come to that point in their life. I know because I am currently saying in my mind, PLEASE NO.

I screamed against the hand that was pressed into my mouth. I gaged having to open my mouth to scream, I could taste the dirt and grime that his hand was covered in. Screaming was useless, it was muffled. I thrashed in his iron grip, kicking and scratching with all my might. Please I thought. I screamed once more, officially making my throat raw. Oh God, Please I silently pleaded. For I knew where this would lead. I knew the outcome and I did not want to end up like another body on TV.

I opened my mouth once more, only not to scream. Instead I opened as wide as I could and when his large thumb slipped out of place, I bit. I bit as hard as I could. I felt my small teeth sink into his rather rough skin, breaking the surface. I could taste the copper, so much I would have mistaken it as taking a huge gulp from a pitcher. The man holding me let out a howl. Immediately letting go of me and stumbled back, cradling his hand. "You bitch!" he screamed. I stumbled back to catch my breath. He roared, running at me and pinned me down on the concret. I winced, feeling the gravel dig into my back. "Now I think what're did was very rude now" he whispered, shoving his head into my neck, inhaling my scent. I sucked in sharply. Ohgoddontgetoffmedonttouchgetoffdonttouchme.

I bucked my hips to try to throw him off. He didn't even budge. He slid his hand down slowly, though to,to me, it felt an eternity. Stop I screamed, but no sound came out.

While he was preoccupied kissing my neck, I managed to free my hand from my side and reached around me. I don't care what it is, big or small, I need him to get off. Reaching all around me, I finally felt what seemed as a bottle. My stomach turned, I have a chance to run! I took a deep breath, closed my glassy eyes, and swung. I was almost in tears when I heard it connect with the person above me. Swinging so hard, the bottle broke into shards, and the man before me collapsed.

I am not afraid of god....

Panting, I scrambled till my back hit the wall. I tried not to think of what would have happened. Blinking back the tears, I evened my breath, trying to calm myself. I stayed up against the cold stone wall for a few moments and sighed once more before standing shakily. Coming to my senses, I headed out of the ally. Never again, I thought. Fully out of the alleyway, I let my mind run wild. I can't turn my back and go back to the place, Ill be beat to death. Hmm, I can't run away, I don't have enough money. I guess I have no choice. I sighed deeply. I still have to get the alcohol. Huffing a bit, I picked up my pace to the drug store that was around the corner.

Arriving at said store, I looked around the place, finding an empty bottle. Picking it up, I crept to the corner of one of the many windows that were layered in posters and ads. Seeing no one in the store except the cashier, I sighed in relief. This makes my job so much easier. Crawling close enough to the automatic opening doors, I waved the empty bottle near the sensors and watched as the doors opened. Quickly looking at the cashier, the girl looked up from the magazine she was reading. But she didn't move from her spot. One more time, then she'll get up, I thought. Instead of just waving the bottle, I let it roll out of my hand and into the parking lot. The door opening once more. This time the girl stood up from her spot and walked to the entrance. "Hello?" She said. Her voice scratchy and wavering. She kept walking till she stood outside, when she took a few more steps, I swiftly ran in the store, going to the right of the store, in the front. Grabbing as many bottles as I could, I slipped out of the store and ran like the earth was crumbling beneath my feet.

Running for me was always easy, for I ran for everything. All I had to think of what would happen if I were to displease them. And I'd run with all my might. And that was what I was doing. Eventually I arrived to the place. Slowing down, I calmed my breathing, and walked up to the greying door, and opened it slowly. Carefully stepping inside, I closed the door gently and silently walked into the colorful kitchen, catching the eyes of both, the man and the women. "What took you so long?!" hissed the women, from the living from across the kitchen. Before I could say anything, the man was already up from his seat and into the kitchen, standing over me, looming. "What do you have?" he gruffly said. I said nothing but held up the bottles I took. One was Spiced Rum, the second was Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, and the last was Silver Patron, his personal favorite. He looked at the last once with what seemed as approval. He shooed me away with the flick of his wrist. Taking that my cue to leave, I turned around to head out the kitchen when I felt a stinging situation coming from my skull. Oh, I thought. She's yanking my hair. "And where exactly do you think you're going?" She asked calming voice.

Not good. Not good. On thin ice, be careful. "I was heading to" I answered warily. To my surprise, the women laughed. It was shrill, somewhat spine chilling, but not to that extent. "Ha, you? We have so graciously gave you food!" Scraps of bread and water from the sink "We give you your own room! "An empty space to beat me so I will not spill my blood on your floor "And all we ask of you to do some simple chores! You can't even do that! The garden is atrocious!" Wow, I didn't think you knew such a complex word for your simple mind. Mentally shaking my head, I looked at her and watched in fascination as her face and neck turn a deep red. "Oh, so you think I'm simple minded do you?" Ah, I realized with dread. I've said that last bit out loud. "You wanted to go to your room did you? Well, wish granted." She turned her head and yelled out "Baby, the little Bitch talked back to me".

I bit my lip to stop myself from trembling. I know what happens next.

"She WHAT!" He yelled from the living room, most likely already finished half of one of the bottles. No later I heard the pounding of his feet. I could feel the vibrations on the wooden floor.

I am not afraid of god...

Meeting my eyes with his, I could feel the color in my face slowly drain.

I am not afraid of god, I am afraid of man.

Enjoy your youth. You'll never be younger than you really are at this very moment.

Hello my readers, I hope you enjoy this! I love you all, along with food. Please comment on what you thought. 

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