Lucario X Trainer

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The trainer, a young female, watched aghast as her small little Rai glowed. Her opponent gaped similarly as his own Pokémon backed away in fear. One more surge of light blazed through the area before fading, showing a new form, larger than its old self. In a daze, the trainer blinked a few times before grinning, making eye contact with her Pokémon, now lucario, before thrusting her hand out and shouting, "Rai! Use close combat!"

"Grarh!" Lucario growled, flipping and disappearing in and out of the smoke with a series of untraceable movements until he was nose to nose with his opposing rival, poliwhirl. A hard slam against its stupid swirly face knocked it clean away, toppling it against the stadium wall past its shocked trainer. A sudden silence kept Lucario still until it appeared from the rubble again. Only to be hammer smashed to the ground by his clenched fists. Leaving it in a defeated crater. "Lucario and Quin win!

"Oh my gosh! Rai! We did it!!!" Quin pumped her fist in the air, victorious. She then ran out to greet her friend, embracing him tightly. "Wow! This is different! You're so much bigger!" pulling herself away, she looked down at Lucario, processing the changes from its previous form. Even with the narrower face and taller, more mature stature, behind his gaze was her Pokémon. They stepped apart as they were rewarded their medals, and soon the stadium started to buzz with the sound of departing poke fans "All right! Now that we've won this thing, how about we take a victory rest, kay?" they had a small campsite located just off the area, right in a small patch of wilderness.

"Hm." He nodded, grabbing her hand. Though she was his trainer he felt obligated to be her guide as well, overprotective at times but still loving. While her constant energy and positivity kept him on his toes, a great way to bond and train, which won them the day. "Aren't you going to stay for the after party?" The rival whom had been defeated moments before asked, hoping for a cheerful ending to their battle. Lucario looked behind him to see the poliwhirl all healed up. A bad turn off for him.

"Oh... No thank you! I've never been one for parties." admitted Quin, smiling politely at her ex opponent. "But I have to say that I really had fun fighting you! And I bet our Pokémon did too! I mean, Rai seemed to enjoy it!" she giggled, squeezing on the gentle paw wrapped around her small hands. All she really wanted to do was rest, since she spent the last couple of days training. Though she suspected Rai was even more exhausted.

Lucario nodded, yawning and pulling her away before she could even say goodbye. He walked straight through a crowd of instant fans who were begging for autographs and pictures of the new Nera Town champion. (Completely made up) Lucario walked slower so she could sign and pose as the crowd walked with them.

It felt like hours before they reached the wooded area near their campsite, and Quin had to almost forcibly push away the crazed fans, trying her best to remain calm. After she was sure they weren't being followed, she pushed through the branches of nearby tree's to reach the enclosed area where she was stationed at. She sighed in relief when she saw her tent was still there. She reached inside and pulled out her sleeping bag, laying on top of it as she gazed up at the night sky. She glanced up at Rai and patted near her, where there was plenty of room for another body.

The Lucario smiled and tucked itself next to her. Placing a paw under his pillow where he rested his head and looked at her smiling face, He knew she would keep calling him Rai, which made him feel very secure. He was worried his new form would intimidate her once they were alone.

Quin glanced over at her friend periodically, gazing at him and the stars. She hummed a soft tune as she kicked off her heeled boots, groaning softly as she reached down and massaged the soles of her feet. "Remind me never to try and look good in front of an audience again. So not worth it." in fact, the overall stiffness of her overly feminine clothes scratched at her sensitive skin. She preferred dressing for comfort. Not aesthetic. That was why poke contests were out of her league.

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