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Aarna stirred as a ray of light fell on her face. Slowly, she opened her eyes and sat up. This was not her room! She rubbed her eyes and remembered yesterday's events. God! Had that all really happened yesterday? The bandage on her arm proved that it had.

She got up from the bed and stretched. She felt renovated. She walked over to the window and looked out. The sunlight was falling beautifully on the resort's gardens. She looked at the clock and gasped. It was 11 a.m.! She didn't know at what time she had slept yesterday but she had definitely slept for more than 12 hours! And she was in Mrs. Raichand's suite. Damn!

She gasped when the room's door opened but relaxed immediately when she saw it was Key.

"Good morning!" Key said brightly and gave her a warm hug.

It was almost good afternoon!

"Good morning" Aarna murmured, surprised but pleased with the hug.

"I had come to wake you up. Did you sleep well?"

"I- yes, thank you."

"Good. Whatever you need is there in the bathroom. So go and get ready. Then we'll go for lunch."

Lunch? Of course, she had been sleeping during the breakfast! Damn it!

"Oh no!" Mortified, she took Key's hand in hers. "I'm so sorry. I'll just-"

"Aarna!" Key called her name and shook her gently.

Aarna looked at her. Key smiled.

"Just relax, okay. Take your time- You are with family now" she finished in a soft voice.

"Oh- alright" Aarna murmured, suddenly feeling light-headed.

And relaxed she did get. They spent the day joyfully as all of them unwrapped the presents. She was pleasantly surprised to find out that all the family members had purchased gifts for her as well. She overcame with emotion when Aakash, Inky's husband wore the sweater Aarna had bought for him on-the-spot. Kunal thanked her for the watch and replaced it with the old one. Children were extremely happy with the chocolates, cars and the dolls she had got for them.

They ate, danced, joked, laughed and played. After a long time, she had celebrated such a great Christmas. Everything was perfect- except that Abhimanyu still wasn't talking to her. He had wished her a polite Merry Christmas and given her the gift he had got for her. She was going to treasure the lovely red scarf he had given her. She had caught him looking at her with an odd look several times. She hadn't been able to understand anything but it had been a relief to find out that his eyes weren't cold anymore. She hoped he liked the jacket she had gifted him.

There hadn't been any change in the behavior of Mrs. Raichand and her daughters. They were still cordial, but, she couldn't help feeling that now, they were looking at her with more, respect. Not that it hadn't been there before, but it was certainly more this time.

She had spoken to Milan and Suhana and had assured them that she was fine. Except... she wasn't, not really. Her heart ached for Abhimanyu. She wanted to be with him, really be with him and it hurt, really hurt to see him ignoring her and staying away from her.

After she had danced with Mr. Raichand around the bonfire, laughing all the time, she sat on a mat spread on the grass and watched Ponk dancing with Samir. They looked so good together, so much in love. Inexplicably, her eyes fell on Abhimanyu. He was laughing with the kids around him.

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