Scars - Fanfiction

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Chapter 1 -  The Awakening

"Urrg" muttered Emily as she sat up. "wh...where am i" she asked herself looking around the room puzzled. It was a fairly new built hospital room, there was nothing there accept a bed, a bed side cabinet with a few flowers and cards on. she attempted to lean over and read one but felt a rather large amount of pain near her stomach, she stopped straight away and sighed, recalling the events of a week ago.

Emily jumped when she heard the knocking on the open door, she gazed over in that direction to see Luke standing there with a bundle of flowers. "Ow" she sighed as she felt her stomach. "s..sorry" Luke said entering the room and closing the door "didn't mean to scare you like that" he said sheepishly. "So, finally awake? You've been a sleep for a week now" Luke joked. "WHAT!!" shouted Emily in disbelief "a whole week...well shit". "Oh and Devine and Kelsey send their regards, they couldnt make it with them in school and crap." Luke said interrupting her train of thought.  " So you're bunking?" Emily asked. "Suppose i am in a way" replied Luke, "well, i brought you these" Luke said handing over the flowers. "Thanks" Emily said blushing, "could of got me GTA" she muttered. Luke laughed blushing a little. "Crap, he heard" Emily though as she blushed even more.

Suddently Emily started to cry. "W..whats wrong??" asked Luke, attempting to comfort her. "I...need to confess something..." She said hastely.

"well?" He asked. "What is it?"  Emily was now crying even more, the one thought that went through her head was making her crack "Does he like me?"

Luke saw she was upset, but there was something else, she looked confused with passion in her eyes. Luke leaned over, gripping her shoulders and  Passionately kissed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2013 ⏰

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