Fighting to believe

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This is just a draft of a story that I've been working on. Its just a skeleton of the original story and im uploading it to get some comments and feedback that would help me to build it up further.


Lea lay there. Alone and bleeding pain from her heart. It had been weeks since Seph had proposed to her and she was still struggling to believe it. Seph was going to be away for some time and he wouldn’t be around to comfort her and give her the confidence she needed so dearly. There was no way to get in touch with him. She struggled to breathe as she waged a war against the demons that were dragging her down into oblivion again. She fought the urge to sleep but her body was too weak from lying there questioning herself and she drifted in to that void.

Lea found herself on the cold tiles of her old house, she opened her eyes and let them focus on where she was and instantly wished that she hadn’t opened them. The room seemed to cave in on her as the memories started to rush in. Her eyes locked in on the figure reclining on the chair next to her bed. Lea screamed in agony as fear clenched her heart. It was him again. Sam. The one who had broken her. Lea tried sitting up but her hands gave way as she trembled as the memories kept on slicing her up inside. This had been her private prison, the place where he had showed his true inner demon. It was amazing how different it now seemed once she had seen through the lies that made it appear to her as a safe haven. But this was where she had nearly lost her innocence, and the memories were still fresh in her mind.  It was him who had planted the poisonous seeds of mistrust in her heart. He had watered the seeds till it grew and blossomed into a tree with so many branches. “Suffer!” He hissed. He whispered to the tree and its branches begin choking her.

He stood up, grinning maliciously. “Did your fantasies of a happy ever after bring you back here? Do you believe his words? This knight in shining armour of yours? Lies, they are all lies. Just like the ones I fed to you. They are empty. Just words, hollow within”, he whispered into her ear.

 Lea stood up and lashed out. “No!”, she screamed out, “Seph is nothing like you! His words are true. You can’t keep me in here forever. He will come for me”. Even as she spoke them she knew she was questioning every single word and she fell down back on her knees. She knew it was his doing, she knew he was feeding on her insecurities again. She knew her mind had dragged her here because of what Sam had done to her.

 “Fool!” he screamed, “What makes you think he wants you? You! Pitiful little thing”. He throwed back his head and laughed at her mockingly. He placed his fingers beneath her chin and forced her to look at him. “Look at you. Look how deep I have scarred you. Why would anyone want something that is so broken? You can never trust him. I made sure that u can never trust again. After all the lies I fed to you, after how much I taught you to live bowing down to me I know you cannot trust in anyone else.”

She whipped her head away from his touch and his gaze and sat there cradling her head in her hands, whispering to herself. “I know he will come for me. I know he loves me.”

“Do you really think that telling yourself that enough times would make that a reality?” Sam mocked at her. “You cannot love someone other than me” he said as he yanked her towards him by her hair. “You are always going to be mine. No one would waste their time to try to heal you. I crippled you so that you cannot run away from me. I still have a leash around your neck, you being here proves that”

It was the physical pain that pulled her out of her helplessness. It fuelled her, the rage rising up in her waking up her consciousness and loosening his grip on her mind. This pain she could face.

“I love him, I loathe you” she spat in his face, “You are nothing but a leech that feeds on my uncertainty.”

Sam’s left eye twitched with anger. He took her by the throat and slammed her against the wall. “You cannot love again. Your dream lover is not coming. Why would he risk his life to be with you? He is happy where he is. Look at how he goes on with his life. Do you see him missing you as you seem to be missing him? It’s pathetic.”

Lea huddled up in a corner, hugging her legs. “No…no...No. Get out of my head. Isn’t what u did enough? Do you have to make me so insecure? Whenever I am happy do you have to drag me down?”

Sam leaned against the wall, his posture full of pride. “Are u happy? Does he make you happy like I did?”

Lea looked at him, her eyes burning with an anger that burnt inside her. “You? Made me happy? You cut off my wings. You put me in a gilded cage. You didn’t allow anyone else to make me happy. The only kindness you let me see was in you. I was far from being happy.”

Sam clenched his fists by his side. “Tell me. Does he make you happy? Or is he only deceiving you? What does he give you? Words are all he can give you. I could have given you so much more.“

“Like what? Like keeping me locked up like a slave? That you can abuse whenever you wanted? Seph would never use me like you did.” She said defiantly standing up.

Sam took a step back, as if recoiling from her confidence.                                        

“You can’t keep feeding on my insecurities like this for long. Seph would be coming to get me soon. And you won’t be able to reach me at all. Even in my mind.” Lea kept advancing.

The room started falling apart, wavering like about to fade. Lea knew she had to gain the upper hand. That’s how she can get him out of her head.

“Seph truly loves me Sam. Face it. He wants to give to me what you never meant to give. And you know what makes him different to you? He is ready to sacrifice for me like you never did!”

Sam stood there glaring at her. “I won’t make this easy for you. Next time your defences are down I would be back.” And then like the rest of the nightmare he too wavered and disappeared.

Lea woke up clutching the pillow to her chest. Her heart was still beating furiously yet she was calm inside. It was true, she trusted Seph. It had taken the dream for her to realise that. She turned to check the time from her phone. There was a new message. “I’m on my way to you baby. I love you. – Seph." She smiled, she was happy though she was in fear of being alone again. Next time she would be more prepared.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2011 ⏰

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