My name is Clementine

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My name is Clementine, I am thirteen. Throughout most of my life I lived in regret and sorrow. I was a happy child that saw the world as only a child can; I saw a world filled with beauty, happiness and every person was just a friend who I hadn’t got to know yet.

I had incredible parents that loved me and many, many friends. Even though nobody else could really see them. But that’s beside the point, the point is that I had many friends and I always had great adventures with them. I remember this one time when we went on a quest to find the golden pear. That was the greatest adventure of all. Sure I ended up stuck in a tree, but my daddy was there to save me.

He was always there to save me. If I fell, he was there; if I stubbed my toe, he was there. We would often have tea parties together in his office and waltz around the room together like if I was a real princess. He would buy me nice princess dresses and once he even bought me a tiara with cute little pink and blue diamonds.

One day when we were playing, and the sun was shining its brightest, he showed me the magical power that the tiara had. He put the tiara in the sun and tilted it so that there were tiny little rainbows all over the ground. I was so excited to know that I owned a magical tiara. He showed me how to tilt it just right in the sun and soon I could make magical rainbows wherever I went.

 I always took my tiara with me when I left home and it became something very special to me. As soon I started to go to school however, it was a reason to be teased. I would always be pushed around by boys and tell me I was too ugly to be a princess. The girls were even worse as they could really hurt more with words. Some people say that it is easier to deal with words than fists but it’s not true. You can stop fists but you can’t stop words. Every day after school I would go to my room and cry. I wouldn’t let my parents know.

I eventually decided that I would leave my tiara at home from now on and my parents were surprised. They asked me why a princess such as me would ever leave her tiara at home. I simply answered that I wasn’t a real princess and walked out the door and into the car.

The whole car ride was silent but I didn’t mind since I had at this time learned to welcome the silence. When I got to school the other children were surprised to see me without my tiara, but that didn’t last long and new insults kept on coming. I stopped smiling after that and my parents knew something was wrong. They always asked me what was wrong but I couldn’t bring myself to tell them the things I had to endure at school. They just worked too hard for me and I didn’t want to let them down with my own troubles.

I continued to go through this cycle in every grade and every school. People just kept on looking for my flaws and they kept finding more. It never seemed to stop, only to get worse and worse. I was starting to go under and there was nothing stopping me that is until the day I met HIM….

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