Chapter 2

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Lucy's POV

"Lucy I love you, I know you maybe never gonna return the same feelings but I needed to get this feeling off my chest" natsu said while holding my hand.

"Of course I love you natsu!" I said while crying.

Natsu and me started walking hand I hand. Natsu kicked the guild door and started yelling.

"SUP GUYS"Everyone started at us. Den I realized we was holding hands. Everyone started cheering. Mira locked like she could faint any moment.



"Fire head finally realized his feelings"

When natsu heard someone calling him fire head he knew it was Gray so he started fighting with him. I walked to Mira.

"Hi Mira can I get a strawberry smoothie?"

"Of course Lucy and I'm so happy for you and natsu!" She giggle when I started blushing when she said that.

"Lu~chan!" I saw levy running to me.

"Hi levy!" I greeted her and hugged her.

"So what happened that you and natsu got together? Hmm~" I stared to blush when she said that. I told her what happened and she giggled. Mira heard everything and she started to giggle to.
I then felt to strong arms around my waist and a kiss in the neck. I knew who it was so I started blushing red.

"Hi lucee~" natsu purred.

"Hi natsu" I said and turned around so I could face him.

"I love yaa~" he said and kissed me.
I love you to" I said and kissed him back.

"Natsu, Lucy?" I heard a voice who sound sad. Me and natsu  turned to face Lisanna.

"Hi Lisanna" me and natsu greeted her with a smile.

"Why are you guys kissing each other? Are you guys together?" She sounded sad. Why?

"YUP! Me and my Lulu over here are together!" Natsu said proudly.

"Natsu!" I said with a blush on my face.

"Oh I happy for you guys" she said with a smile on her face. But I know it was force smile. Why are she so sad?

"Let's go home lucee~"Natsu purred.

"Eek" I said jumped from natsu and started running from natsu.

"Awwww come on Luce~ come and hug me~" natsu started chase me.

I'm sorry for not uploading in a long time but I sick and having a hard time in my life.

Bye minna's !!!

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