Someone Like You

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Hey! This is a one shot I made, and I hope you enjoy. Sorry if Katniss is a bit OOC. Anyway, I was in the movie theater going to see Hugo, and I saw a poster for the Hunger Games Movie, I forced my parents to take a picture of me by it. :) Oh and this is also based off the song Someone Like You by Adele.

Disclaimer: These characters belong to the amazing Suzanne Collins!

I threw the sack of squirrels onto my back, preparing to visit Ms. Everdeen and Prim. Before I left though, I glanced at the T.V. where the Hunger Games played across the screed. A girl with brown hair in braids caught my eye- Katniss. She was in a cave with Peeta. I was so worried about her, if she didn’t win she’d die- and she couldn’t die. All of a sudden time stopped, and my body was paralyzed. Katniss had kissed Peeta. And it was a proper kiss too, not acting for the games. I finally snapped out of my trance, and stepped out onto the street. I reached a familiar door and knocked, a few moments later two huddled figures stepped out.

“Hello Ms. Everdeen, Prim,” I greeted them. They just nodded back. Prim who usually would’ve answered with a chirpy ‘Hi Gale!’, stood there with her golden hair in a tangled mess. Ms. Everdeen looked more run down than usual, and had worry lines etched onto her face. Today hadn’t been a great day, and I had only trapped two squirrels for them. I gave them my sack, and they shuffled away. 

As I walked home I thought about Katniss, how after she caught and animal she got a mischievous gleam in her eyes, how she always wished on stars, but never told anyone, but me of course, that she believed in that stuff. How she cried herself to sleep some nights, thinking about her dad. All the things I know about her that Peeta didn’t. All Peeta knew was that she was another pretty face. He didn’t know any of the little things about her. Peeta didn’t deserve her, maybe I don’t either, but at least I knew about her personality.

I saw everything. Every glance, every brush of their hands, every blush, every shared look. Everything. There comes a point when you love someone so much that if they’re happy, you’re happy, but my hearts still cracked a little whenever I saw them together.

I had to leave. I had to get out of this place. I killed Prim. Katniss will never forgive me, I would never forgive myself. I don’t deserve her, she deserves to be happy, and if she’s happy with Peeta so be it. I grabbed my stuff, My fingers lingering over a small painting Peeta had done of Katniss. And as much as I hated to say it, he captured her beautifully. She looked strong, yet vulnerable, mature, yet innocent, and she had a burning fire in her eyes. I needed to say goodbye, but I saw her shyly kiss Peeta on the cheek. It then dawned on my. She had a new best friend, a new supporter. She had a new hunting partner now. I started to walk away, but I turned my head to get one last look of the brown haired girl I loved, then I quickly turned on my heel and left.

I sat in the tree waiting for her. I knew she still lived here, I had seen her earlier today. She had settled down and had two gorgeous kids- Cinna, and Rue. She was still a hunter, but Peeta could provide any food that they would ever need. Her hair was still lush, and brown, and she still had fire in her eyes, but she looked worn. Then two figures appeared in the woods, Katniss and Cinna. They were both wearing hunting boots and carried bows. I watched as Katniss set up a trap, the first trap I had taught her. As his mother’s experienced hands created the trap, Cinna scanned the trees, his eyes meeting mine.

“Uhhhhh, mother?” He asked, confused.

“Yes Cinna?” She replied, sighing.

“There’s a man in that tree,” Katniss whipped around. The Hunger Games had made her untrustful, and she probably thought I was some maniac killer, or something. Her eyes were cold and deadly, but her expression quickly turned into confusion as she locked her eyes with mine.

“Gale? Gale! Gale!” She yelled. But then it hit, I couldn’t be in her life. I couldn’t mess up what she had. She had a family, a home, and she was happy. So I jumped out of the tree and began to run.

“Gale! Gale!” Katniss’s cries of joy soon turned to sobs, and my cracked heart finally broke. I ran faster, and this time I didn’t look back.


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