He sat there, silent, as he came to the realization...It was over. He started this, built his empire from the ground up, and he ended it. It all began and ended with him, everything that had happened to him in the past few years was over. He smiled to himself, chuckling as he pulled out a short letter that read:
Dear me,
I hope you enjoy your ending
"Oh, I enjoyed my ending, I just hope you enjoyed yours" He muttered this quietly as he spun his brown leather swivel chair around, facing his computer. He spoke out loud as he switches the computer off, speaking to the man in the corner of the room, he says "Shut it all down, Geoffrey." He quietly stands up, walking to the door. "But sir, I really think we sho--" "Shut it down!" Geoffrey sighs as he presses the button and follows him out of the room. "Of course, Sir." "Please, call me John"