Oak's POV

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It had been two months and it was till in my head. I would get songs stuck in my head often, as people do, but normally they would go away. Not this one though. two months, but it was still not annoying, just surprisingly sad. Countless nights, alone locked in my room I would pray to the universe for this doctor, who ever he was, and his decide fate. One day when I got to my dads after work waiting for my mom to come pick me up( as I still did not have my own car, I had planned to move out, and get one but it just never seemed to happen ) and I looked out side, it was about to storm but the rain had not started to fall yet, my favorite weather. I grabbed my binder holding the book I was writing, my sketch book and my small over night bag because it contained my drawing material, like my phone to be used as a camera and my super hero mechanical pencil only to be used when writing my book. I walked out on to the small porch and jumped the railing. I walked up the small hill all the way until I reached the fence that divided the trees from the secluded road. I sat with my back to the tall fence and opened my sketch book to the last drawing I had been working on. It was an impressionistic version of the night sky with the words, "The doctor is dying," scrawled carefully in delicate script. Not truly focused on anything I began shading in parts on the sky and doodling a few more words near the center of the paper. I covered my eyes with my hands, I never thought a headache could get so bad the light from the clouds would hurt my eyes. I began singing softly to myself, knowing there was no one around. Fully absorbed between the words escaping my lips and the odd sketch in front of me, I barely noticed the strange noise in the distance, writing it off as a car the moment I heard it. I looked down at my sketch book and saw I had scribbled the words, "On the fields of t-" but had yet to finish the statement. A ray of the sun magically shot out from behind a cloud sending a new stab of pain through my head. I slumped down against the tree on my back, maybe this migraine wouldn't be so bad if I could just get this song out of my head!!! I sighed and began singing louder, wishing to completely expel the song from my mind. I sang it several times through, finally ending on a high, sad note. I sat for a monument cherishing the momentary quiet of the world around me. I jerked my eyes open and stood up as the silence was ripped by a slow clapping. "Who are you?" I asked immediately. In front of me was a strange looking man, in a tweed jacket with a brown bow-tie, slightly shaggy brown hair, and sad green eyes. "Oh-ummm-well," he stuttered. "It's a simple enough question, who are you?" I demanded. "Sorry, it's just I assumed you knew, I'm The Doctor."

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