Part of the Collection - Chapter Two

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A/N Okay, so here I am writing again. I decided I actually wanted to pay attention to this story and not just wander from it. So tell me what you think VIA comments or PM. Enjoy.


Bumping along in the wagon was something she would have never thought to do. But now here she was; shackled and slowly making her way to Slave trade Island.

This had all been explained to her, it would take another six hours to readch the boat that would take them to the island. From there it would be a direct boat ride to the capitol of Labicia.

In the time it had taken her to travel to this point she had walked on sand till her feet cracked, rocks that smoothed them again, now she had been thrown in this wagon.


A man walked around to the wagon after it had made a swift stop. He smiled kindly, "We are almost to the boat stop, do you need anything?"

"Water?" she croaked. Diana had reached a new low. The water at her home had been cool and clean... this water was impure. She had committed the unthinkable, she had drank water that was not from  the land of Caledonia. Her family had never done anything such as that before, it was considered a threat to their culture.

She shuddered as the warm water slipped down her throat. It had a nasty flavor to it. "Thank you."

The man nodded and the wagon started moving yet again.

Now that her thoughts were no longer clouded with the thought of water she looked around. The had clouded the sun from her eyes with silks that were draped across a wooden frame. Wood. The fact that there was wood showed her the wealth of the Empire she was traveling to. Wood was a rarity.

When Diana tried to lift her hand to touch it, the shackles dropped onto her lap with a thump. She was never going to be home again she realized looking at her shackles with hatred.

Diana had nothing else to do so she slept.


Waking up with a jolt, Diana bolted up. "What's happening?"

A different man came for her. Grunting he grabbed her arm and dragged her. Diana Struggled.

"Let me go. Ugh!" She could feel his arms giving when she stepped on his toes.

"Agh!" She was free! She ran as quickly as she could away from the man. Diana knew they were following her, and this made her feet fly.

As Diana made her way through the crowds near the dock she saw some of the enslaved people cheering her on, she saw others look at her with disgust. The one person she didn't see was Aleksandros.

She moved through the crowds until finally a hooded figure would not let her pass. "Excuse me, sir." She tried once again to move past him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2011 ⏰

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