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We are backstage waiting to be called onto the stage, I can hear all of the thousands of fans screaming our names, I know out there somewhere are my family and friends. Tonight has to go perfect and I have a feeling it will. I'm awoken from my thoughts as Josh runs onto the stage, then Dallon follows, then Ryan. Now me. I run on, every footstep I take closer to the microphone I begin to feel more nervous. "Hey Vegas! How are we feeling tonight!" I shout through the golden microphone and receive thousands of incoherent screams in return. "Josh! How you feeling tonight!" I turn and shout at my drummer, I struggle to hear his reply over the crowd, he gives a thumbs up and does a little drumroll. I turn to Dallon, already covered in sweat.
"Dallon, how're you on this fine evening?" I say in a posh voice, making the crowd laugh and scream and cry. "I'm ready to fucking blow the roof off the place Bren!" He shouts into his mic, and strums his bass loudly. I turn to Ryan who looks fine, but I can tell he's still not happy about what happened between us earlier. "Ryan! Are you ready?!" I shout at him and he doesn't say anything he just smiles at me as a response. "I'll take that as a yes then! Vegas lets do this!" I shout and the music starts and the show begins.

"So as you all probably know, Vegas is my hometown, so because I love this place so much, I thought I'd give you guys all a special song to end the show." I nod at Dallon and Ryan and Josh. The crowd are so ecstatic yet so confused at the same time. One of our crew runs on and hands me and Ryan an acoustic guitar each. Josh and Dallon both walk off stage as they aren't needed for this part. Dallon walks past me and whispers in my ear as he walks past "Meet me in the back alley after this.I have a suprise" he smiles and kisses my cheek. The crowd scream.
This is risky what we're about to do but that's what life is about. Taking risks. Me and Ryan both begin to strum. Most of the crowd goes crazy and others scramble to get out their phones and most of them are crying. They all know this song. Everyone knows this song.Ryan nods at me to start singing. So I do...

"If all our life is but a dream....."

Forever Waiting on a Heartbeat *Brallon*Where stories live. Discover now