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{Diamonds and Pearls Era}

Smut: Not included.

I was lounging on my bed with a bowl of popcorn placed on top of my stomach as I focused on the suddenly interesting film I found while flicking through the channels, my eyes were heavily focused on the screen as the climax occurred

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I was lounging on my bed with a bowl of popcorn placed on top of my stomach as I focused on the suddenly interesting film I found while flicking through the channels, my eyes were heavily focused on the screen as the climax occurred.

"Now, why would she go in there knowing that thing was in there? That couldn't be me I would've hauled ass." I shook my head at the naïve girl on the screen who was now screaming at the top of her lungs, the cherry red phone located on my nightstand began to ring nearly making my heart jump out of my chest.

"Who is calling me and what do they want with my life?" I exclaimed as I tried to drown out the annoying wail by turning up the volume on the tv, but whoever was calling was determined to get in contact with me because they still haven't hung up.

My legs kicked out childishly as I yanked the phone off the receiver, there was the echo of two voices that seemed to be bickering without a care. I twirled the cord of the phone between my fingers as I awaited for the person to acknowledge that I had answered, finally getting fed up I rolled my eyes before speaking.

"Hello?" I say while getting back into the movie, the person on the other end stops moving around on the other end as they settled into one spot.

"Get dressed, I'm coming to get you." Prince states in one breath, I arch an eyebrow at the phone due to his tone before putting it to my ear again.

"Okay, who are you talking to like that? I think you dialed the wrong number princey." I ranted while examining my ruby red nails in the dim light, the movie I was watching had gone off causing me to frown since I had missed the ending.

"Calling my phone with demands...right idea, wrong woman buddy." I murmured to myself as I flicked through channels trying to find something new to watch.

"Do you feel better after doing that?" He laughed.

"As a matter of fact I do!"

"Just have your cute ass ready by the time I get there, okay?"

"You think I'm cute?" I teased which automatically made him scoff in annoyance, the line went dead right after.

My laughter echoed off of the walls as I shook my head at my irritable best friend, I was always the wild one in this duo, of course he could hang but most of the time he was too serious.

I decided to go with something simple since I had genuinely had no idea where we could possibly go at Midnight. My dark wash jeans had several rips in them some of them had gotten larger over time due to Prince meticulous meddling; he always pulled the little strings that held the rips in the jeans together even though I specifically told him not to. A white v-neck was covered by the leather jacket that Prince had worn in his movie Graffiti Bridge, and my leather boots.

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