Chapter 5 - A Shift In Luck

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    After a few days Chekov showed progress of getting better. The color returned to his face and the fever was just about gone. Kirk could finally see the innocent genuine smile that brightened his day anytime he saw it. This Doctor McCoy was a real miracle worker for sure. Kirk could not believe it. All the while Chekov was getting better Bones let Kirk stay there. He provided food for the both of them even though it was not just Bones helping out the man in black was also helping out behind the scenes. Though for some reason his memory and interests were changing and this concerned Bones. He thought at first that he was embarrassed by his actions that he was keeping them hidden. Yet when Bones talked to him he seemed colder towards Kirk than he used to. He thought he saw something in Kirk, what it was he didn’t know but now he saw him like everyone else. He only saw the poor boy and pitied him. Bones himself saw someone amazing in Kirk and was willing to help them out. With Chekov almost better to go be discharged he knew he had to do something. He knew the next time they may not be that lucky. Kirk was outside getting some air even though it was chilled out. The doctor decided to go out and join him.

     “You know in a couple of days your friend can go home. I just want to make sure he is ok and won’t relapse on you. You were really lucky with him.” The doctor warmly said.

     “You are very right. I was lucky to get him to you in time. I am just happy and eternally grateful to you and all that you have done for us. You truly are a miracle worker and what you do is something great.” Kirk looked toward Bones and gave him a warmer smile.

      “Well I do not see someone with your drive and heart every day. I just did not want to see that gone. You made my work very interesting when I thought what came through my door will either die or just bitter towards life you come in and changed things up. You made me see that there could be someone no matter where you come from there are people who will take life and make it yours. You are also willing to live for others not just your own immortality.”

       “If you knew me before Chekov came into my life, I was depressed and thinking nothing would ever go right with my life. I would just act out and take things. I was angry at the world. The world took away my dad, my brother and left me on the streets. I was about ready to throw myself off the docks and let myself sink into the abyss. Something didn’t let me. I just thought I was too much of a coward to even end my life. Then next thing I know I am saving a boy from the factory that he used to work for. The days he stayed with me the more I saw that I could help out someone and live again. I still deal with my demons but it is much easier now.” Kirk tilted his head towards the sky and let the crisp chilled wind brush against his face.

       “I never would have guessed. I knew you sometimes cried in your sleep but I thought it was just nightmares of losing him. You are really something kid. I have been giving this some thought and what do you say to you two moving in with me? It would be a damn shame if one of you were to get sick again.

      “I have no way to pay you or anything. I do not want to free load on you. You have done too much for me already.” Kirk cocked his head towards Bones with a surprised look. Bones chuckled.

    “Don’t think I am letting you stay for free now! I have some jobs you guys could do for me. You two can be my errand boys. I do have patients that need some medicine and instead of them coming here you will go to their house to drop it off. With this huge city you can cover one half and Chekov can cover the other.”

    “Seriously Bones?” Kirk even more astonished by the words that came out of the Doctor’s mouth. Bones gave a sly smile. The two conversed some more about the logistics of the deal. Kirk and Chekov didn’t have much to move so it was not much of a transition. Kirk could not believe that someone would take a chance on him and give him a job let alone a good place to stay. Kirk could tell he had a good friend in Bones and now a bond that could never be broken and something that will blossom into a close friendship.

     Kirk ran from the office after discussing a few other things with the good doctor. He ran down the street with such a huge smile on his face. His luck was slowly changing. He reached the house in no time. He went inside to gather a coat and some blankets. There were some clothes he gathered but there was not much else worth saving. He went back to the living room where many memories of nights of the moppy haired boy and him would talk about their past and tell stories from folklore and tell jokes. He realized with Bones he was the only one who really knew about his darkness. Chekov knew a little yet he did not was to tarnish the boy’s light. He knew Bones has been through a lot and is someone who would understand. Kirk let off another smile when something caught his eye. He knew something was there but there was always something there but something always prevented him from going near it.

    He went towards the object. He knelt down and picked up what looked like a pin. It was an odd shaped pin. He did not recognize it but it felt like a clue to something. Maybe his dreams or maybe there was nothing to it. In the center of the pin was a star like shape cut into it. Kirk stood back up clutching the pin and walked out of what was his home and gave it a  last look and smile before walking back to the office.

   “Dammit kid! I thought you would have more than this. Basically all you have are the clothes on your back.” Bones was livid for thinking that Kirk and Chekov had at least a few decent pairs of clothes. Well some were decent but may not hold up well. He knew that in the next month he will have to go out and get the two better clothes.

   “Calm down Bones it is not like there are too many holes or stains. I think with us being errand boys our clothes won’t matter too much.” Kirk was all smiles and a little happy go lucky. Clearly still on the high from being told he has a place to stay and a job. This sent Bones into an all too familiar tizzy.

   “It is not about you looking presentable. It is about your health. You will not be able to keep warm. I do not want you bed ridden too. Jim this is no joking matter. You may have gotten by on dumb luck but if I have to treat you for being sick I will make your life a living hell. Now I will go out and get your two some proper clothes. I will be back.” Bones cursed under his breath. Kirk just laughed. Still something about this seemed all too familiar but he did not care. Life was looking good. He went down stairs to visit Chekov who was waking up from his nap.

   “Guess what?” Kirk could not contain his happiness which caused Chekov to beam a smile as well.

   “Vhat sir?” Chekov did not even let off cough.

   “The good doctor that has been treating you has offered us a place to stay and even jobs! Can you believe it? We are finally getting out of the dumps.”

   “Weally? Vow zat iz incredible and nice of him. Vhat’z za job?”

   “We are his errand boys. No worries not even you can mess this up. All we do is deliver medicine to his patients. I cover one half of the town and you cover the other half.”

   “Vell that does sound easy enough though my sense of direction is horrible. I could get lost.” Chekov looked down embarrassed.

   “I could draw you a map and you could come to me before your routes and I could tell you the way around.” Kirk gave Chekov a reassuring smile. Chekov perked right back up.

   “Zank you! I vill try my best! I vill try my best to not let you down!”

   “I know you will try your best. Now rest so you can regain your strength and begin working. I am glad though that your smile is back. Let’s try to keep it that way.” Kirk flashed one more smile before patting him on the shoulder and walked out to let the boy rest. He took out the pin he found and analyzed it. It gave him the feeling of safety, luck and above all love. That feeling of love was growing in his life. He yearned for family and he was building his little family. He deemed the pin a good luck charm and kept it in his pocket. He is going to start tomorrow with delivering some medicine to Bones wealthier patients. He walked up to Bones’ living room get some sleep. Even if It was twilight the rest will do him well.

   Bones came back to find Kirk sleeping on the couch. A smile could not help but creep over his face. He laid down the new clothes and threw a blanket over the sleeping Kirk. Seeing Kirk peacefully sleeping was always a pleasure to see since it was not very often. It felt even more special though Bones did not know why. He did not know the kid for long yet this sleeping state made it feel like he has known him for years. Bones knew tomorrow might be trying with teaching him the routes. He then after retired to his room for a night’s rest.

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