Gamzee never use to like Dave before,he hated how dave would rap about tavros saying in his rap ''oh yes im dave strider im the real strider so tell tavros please stand up,please stand up" Gamzee gets really mad when Dave raps about tavros.but the moment when Gamzee saw Daves eyes he knew some how that strider ass would be his.Dave on the other hand acts like he don't like Gamzee,he doesn't wan't to show gamzee any love that hes really feeling for the troll.
Dave was walking around wondering where terezi was,Gamzee was hiding in the vents with green/blue/and teal / aqua blood all over him while sober.He watched Dave looking around and as soon as Dave walked under the vent Gamzee came out and jumped on Dave.Dave look at gamzee and saw gamzee very sober,gamzees face was pretty dark and poor Dave shivers in horror.
TG: gamzee get the fuck off me you fucking juggalo,you are scaring the shit out of me.
TC: HONK SHUT THE FUCK UP DAVE I WILL KILL YOU IF I HAVE TOO "gamzee takes one claw and cuts daves pail face with it"
TG: this is so not cool or ironic and is that terezi's blood?????
TC: SHHHH SHUT UP MOTHERFUCKER "gamzee takes out a blind foled and ties it to daves mouth to shut dave up"
TG: MMMMF!!!!!
TC: KNEEL AND STAY STILL MOTHERFUCKER "gamzee starts to tie a rop onto dave"
TG: MMMF "dave strugles trying to get free from the rop and doesn't listen to gamzee and his shades fell off,dave was trying to hide his feeling now that he doesn't have his shades on"
TC: COME ON DAVE BE A GOOD HUMAN "gamzee takes dave's shades and put it on top of his head so dave can't get them and ties up dave tightly on daves arms"
TG: mmmf "dave can't breake free so he desides to kneel because he know gamzee is way too sober at this point"
TG: "daves eyes pop out and is really scared because he doesn't know what he's gonna do to him,dave tremles im fear"
TC: "gamzee brong dave to his house"
TG: MMMMMMMMMMF!!!!!! "dave gets really scared"
TC: SHHH EVERTHING WILL BE JUST FINE "gamzee pushes dave into his house violently"
TG: "dave gets pushed in and falls on knees really scared with his blond bangs hiding his face"
TC: AW LOOK AT THIS POOR MOTHERFUCKING FACE "he pushes dave down and hold dave down by his wrist and takes dave shirt off and scratches dave all over"
TG: mmmmmf "whimpering in pain and a teir falls off daves face"
TC: "gamzee bites daves neck and feeling dave all over his body"
TG: "dave tryes to hide his true feeling for gamzee but can't help it and stops trying to get free"
TC: FINALLY YOU GAVE IN "gamzee takes of dave mouth peice"
TG: shut the fuck up
TC: YOU KNOW YOU LIKE IT "gamzee pulled down daves black geans and puts hand down daves boxers and feels dave's hard bulge" NOW I CAN REALLY TELL
TG: don't touch that that's my fucking crotch
TC: I MOTHERFUCKING KNOW THAT YOU ASS "pulls down daves boxers and gamzee takes off his pants and boxers and shuves his big tentabulge into daves ass"
TG: "dave moans like a babe really loud"
TC: YOU ARE SUCH A MOTHERFUCKING PUSSY,YOU MOAN LIKE A SEXY WOMAN "gamzee fuck dave faster and he cums a lot" AH
TG: ahh ah ah ah ahhhhh oh fuck "dave pants and girly moans again"
TC: I KNEW YOU COULDN'T HIDE IT FOR LONG "gamzee cums a lot and bend over to tongue kiss dave"
TG: ahhh ahhh ahhhhhh holey shit g-gamzee oh "dave tongue kisses gamzee"
TC: "gamzees sober weres off" YoU aRe So MoThEfUcKiNg GoOd
TG: "moan's" oh god i fucking love you
TC: i LoVe YoU tOo "gamzee puts his shirt onto dave and gamzee puts daves sirt on and cuddles with dave in bed"
TG: "dave snuggles up to gamzee and falls to sleep on gamzee"
TC: "gamzee sets dave free from rop and puts hand on daves head and falls asleep"