Part 9

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 It's been two weeks since Sabo funeral, there where no suspect and evidence of the person who kill him. Ace is no longer in the hospital and was feeling better but the three of you didn't get out of your house only if is to go to school. Law has been with you every day trying to make you feel better but you try to avoid him because Ace now knows that Law like you so he told you to stay away from him. Law doesn't give up and he doesn't care where you are, he will always find a way to talk with you, he even once entered to the girl bathroom to talk with you, he was starting to be a little violent too.

You were now in your room talking with Rebecca on your cell phone, when you see Ace entering your room, you told her that you will call her later then you look at him.

-Hi, where Luffy?- You ask 

-I told him to go out with his friends, we been lock inside our house for two weeks

-Yea, since Sabo funeral neither of us got out of our house, only for school

-Let go out, we can go to the beach or eat something, it doesn't matter where, Sabo would not have liked to see us so depressed besides we have not gone on a date as a couple

-You're right-You stan up-Let me change clothes

Ace smile at you then leave you room and when you were ready, you get out of your room. The two of you get out of your house and you see Sabo car.

-We are going to use his car?-You ask him

-Yes, my motorcycle can't be fix-He look at you-So this will be our only transport

You enter the car and start to remember he got this car. Sabo works hard to get the money to buy it and he never uses it for school because he wanted to save money so all of you use the bus, so that Sabo didn't have to spend money on gas. You two went to the beach and walked a bit, the beach always calms you down and makes you forget about your problems. Now you two were eating and talking.

-One day Sabo told me that he was in love with you-Ace say-But he only said it to make me angry and to confess him that I loke you too, I was very angry but happy at the same time when he told me it was a lie

-He once tries to make me confess too but I never told him but even though I never told him, he always knew I like you

-Hey remember the day we were littler and some fat kid try to hit me but you came out of nowhere and you received the hit- He said 

-Of course, I remember, then  you beat him up and since that day, the kid got scared of you  and you started to treat me much better

-Well ... since that day I started to like you more and more every day, you always were there to help us

-You know I always going to be there for you and Luffy, no matter how big is the problem-You smile

-And I always going to be there to protect you and Luffy even if it costs my life

-And if you die I will be there to protect her and kill anybody who wants to hurt her-Law suddenly say and then he sits next to you-Hi (y/n) how are you today?- He smiles 

-What the hell are you doing here?-Ace say angry

-I saw her and came to say hi to her, is there a problem whit that freckled face?

-You say hi to her, now get out of here 

-You are not my boss to tell me what to do, maybe I want to stay here whit my good friend (y/n)- He put his arm around you 

-Well I want to be alone whit my GIRLFRIEND,  so please go away 

-Please Law we can talk later-You take his arm away from you-  I neither of you to be in trouble -He sigh

-Ok but I'm leaving because you told me-He kiss your cheek-See you later-He leave

-That guy just ruined my day-Ace say angry- And I told you to be away from him

-We are just friends. I try to avoid him but is impossible besides he a good friends there nothing bad at that

-(y/n) you know he wants to be more than a friend with you, I even starting to think that you like him too

-Don't be an idiot, I told you he a good friend and soon he going forget me- He stays quiet and looks away from you so you sigh and go closer to him-You know? I like when you are angry-You get close to his ear-And you look even better when you jealous-You whisper to him and he blush

-Don't try to make me feel better, it won't work- He stand up- Let go back home, I'm tired

You two walk toward the car and he was still angry so you think of a way to make him stop being angry. You two enter the car and before he turns on the car, you sit in his lap and start to kiss him.

-Please stop being angry at me, I love you so much - You kiss him again 

-I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at him-You kiss him-I want him to leave you ...-You kiss him again-He ... he needs to ...-You start to kiss his neck-God 

-I love you so much

-I love you too but stop before...

You keep kissing him so he didn't resist anymore and began to return the kisses and put his arm around you. Is was starting to get more intense so you move your hand to his pants and when you feel it, you stop the kiss and look at him.

-The thing that you wanted to avoid, was impossible-You smile-Let go to a private place

-Are you sure?

-Yes, I want you to be my first and if is possible, I want you to be the only one

-Then let go and besides, I don't want Sabo spirit to appear in the backseat looking angry at us for doing this in his car

-The problem now is that your grandfather is in the house today and my mother is in my house

-That's not a problem, I know where we can go

-Then hurry up

You kiss him and sit on your seat, he starts to drive. Neither fo you notice that Law was following you and he get very angry wen he notice that he was taking you to a motel. He can't believe you doing that with Ace, Law was decide to kill him in this moment. He take his knife and then walk inside the moter but a employee stop him.

-Do you need something?-The guy ask

-I'm looking for two friends, I saw them walking inside now so they waiting for me 

-Sorry sir but they didn't tell me there were going to wait for someone 

-Look I need to go to them now is important- Law say a little angry so he start to walk but the guy stop him

  -I work here for years, now tell me who is she? Is your girlfriend, wife, an ex or she just someone you like but she don't like you?- Law get very angry-Whit that expression is was the last one right? Look just accept that she doesn't like you

-Shut up, you don't know nothing- Wen he was going to keep walking the guy take out a gun

-Don't do anything stupid, leave no, you still yong to be suffering from lobe but if you want to cry then go ger drung, just don't cause trouble

Law stare at him but then sigh and leave. The place was not so big so is other option is to look the room tha you two are and enter throught the window.


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