Chapter 1

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Mingyu woke up a few minutes before his alarm, again. Again, he chose to just lie there in his bed until it actually went off. Once seven-thirty struck, he quickly shut off the alarm, tossed the covers off, and started his day

His morning routine rarely ever strayed. Every day, and today as well, it was a struggle to get into the bathroom, seeing as how his roomate, Hyunwoo, immediately went in there to apply his makeup right after he wakes up. Today, Hyunwoo got there first, which meant Mingyu had around twenty minutes to do whatever.

He opted for packing his bag for the day and gathering clothes to change into after his shower. He picked out a simple outfit, consisting of a grey sweater and a dark pair of jeans. He double checked his bag, just to be sure that everything he needed was inside. Thankfully, everything was accounted for; notebooks, pencils, pens, and a fully charged laptop.

Eventually, Hyunwoo finished his routine in the bathroom and made his way over to the kitchen to make breakfast. Mingyu let out a quiet "finally" and proceeded to continue his own routine.

He took a shower first, then changed into the clothes that he picked out earlier. He then brushed his teeth, shaved and washed his face, applied a slight bit df concealer to cover the mole under his left eye, and finally dried and styled his semi-long, light brown hair. He took a second afterwards to look himself over in the mirror. The grey sweater was loose in him, but it remained concealing, not even showing his collar bones. Pleased with the way he looked, he exited the bathroom.

A curious smell was wafting from the kitchen, and Mingyu went to investigate. He creept closer until he was standing in the arch that served as the enterance to the tiny room. Hyunwoo had his back to Mingyu, hard at work doing whatever he was doing. Stirring or chopping or... something.

Mingyu quietly walked forward, peeking over the olders shoulder. He smirked. "Is that heukimjajuk, hyung? For breakfast?" He asked suddenly, startling Hyunwoo.

"Oh my-" Hyunwoos spoon fell into the pot, splashing some of the porridge onto him. "-Aish!" He exclaimed, wiping the hot liquid off of himself. He turned around sharply and glared up at the younger, taller, boy, who was snickering evilly. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!?"

Mingyu smirked. "Only until you realize that, despite how often you tell me, I'm not gonna stop." He retorted with a chuckle.

Hyunwoo rolled his eyes at the other, ran his fingers through his reddish-brown hair, then turned back to the food. He grimaced when he noticed that the spoon was practically submerged in the porridge. With two fingers, he carefully fished the utensil out. He walked over to Mingyu and held it up in his face. "Wash it." He ordered.

Mingyu stared blankly at the utensil. "Why should I?"

"You got it dirty!"

"No, you did. You dropped it."

"Because you scared me!"

"And that has to do with this because..?"

Hyunwoo let out a loud, frustrated groan. He tossed the spoon into the sink, turned back towards Mingyu, and crossed his arms. "Look, if you are just going to keep being a little shit, then I see no point in feeding you-" Mingyu's eyes widened. "-especially since you are so content with letting it burn."

Without a word, Mingyu snatched the spoon out of Hyunwoo's hand and promptly went to the sink to wash it. Hyunwoo watched him triumphantly, his arms crossed. When Mingyu was finished with the utensil, he returned it to it's original user, who said a quick "thank you" before resuming his cooking.

Mingyu walked out of the kitchen, his fun with tormenting his roomate ultimately ruined. He went back in his room, grabbed his bag, and proceed to place it by the front door. After that, he simply planted himself at the dining table. He glanced at his watch. It was almost eight-thirty. He had plenty of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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