When He Gets "Bold" With You

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Oh Lord this is gonna be a weird chapter...if you do not enjoy smut or fluff, do not read...


Let's just put it this way: Soul had his arm wrapped around your shoulder. His hand was already near your breast and it made you slightly uncomfortable. Soul noticed this and raised his eyebrow, "what's wrong (Y/N)?" You stare up at your boyfriend and feel him move closer to you. "Your hand is really close to my..." "Breast? Yeah. I know" He finished your sentence with a smirk. Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks, you leaned into his chest; feeling his steady heartbeat. Then there it was...that gentle squeeze on your right breast. Covering your mouth, trying not to moan; making Soul giggle. "C'mon, I just squeezed it once. No big deal!" He removed his hand from your chest and put it around your waist. "Lets just wait until we're married you dork!" You said, messing his snow white hair up.


You started flirting with Kid, innocently at first; but suddenly taking a turn for the worst. Just as a small and harmless joke, you put your head in his lap. Your (hair colored) hair covers his whole lap. "(Y/N), you do know that your covering my whole lap?" Kid asked you, staring down on you with his bright golden eyes. "Yes. Is that okay?" his lips curled into a small smile, "of course! But one thing..." You tilted your head. "I would want you to be covered in something by me, it is messy and embarrassing to get onto you; I do not mind though." A smirk was stuck onto his lips as your eyes widened and a blush spread across your face. It took you a minute to realize what he was hinting at. "Oh m-my..." you manage to choke out a small horse whisper. Kid chuckled and kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to his chest. Deciding to change the subject and break the tension you asked, "would you like something to drink?" Your boyfriend nodded and you stood up. Right before you started walking, you felt a hand smack your bottom. "Kid!"

You thought to yourself about Crona. Had he ever hit puberty? How would he react to his hormones raging? "(Y-Y/N)?" You heard a voice from behind and turned around. A pink-haired boy smiled at you, it was your adorable boyfriend. "Yes Crona?" you replied with yet another question. "I...I really l-love you and w-want to s-show you my a-affection! But I-I do not know i-if it would be o-okay to express i-it. I c-can't deal with i-it." Bringing him into an embrace, you reassured him. "It's okay, you can express your love in any way. I love you no matter what." Crona lightly blushed, "I hope you don't mind me doing this." He said seriously without any stutter, and before you could respond his lips crashed onto yours. His lips were soft against yours but very eager. Nipping at your plump lips, Crona crawled on top of you and put both of your hands above his head. You were honestly shocked at his behavior, but he was so cute you couldn't resist him. Crona, who ground his chest onto yours, bit your lips and licked them. Wow, puberty hit him hard.


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