Decendents Cap. Hooks daughter

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Ahhhh the wonderful life of a Disney villains kid.....NOT! Anyways, I'm Foster J. Hook, James Hooks daughter, mistake, downfall whatever you wanna call me. So, first I'm gonna introduce myself properly, give ya the run down on 'ickle FJ Hook'. Yo ho!

Name: Foster James Hook

Nicknames: FJ, Hook, canic ( like mechanic), pirate, Monster (only Parker)

Age: 14 (youngest of the group)

Gender: female

Family: James Hook (horrible dad, worse then all the parents together at her; now dead), mom unknown. Parker Red Hook, adopted brother.( age 4)

Home: tiny apartment

Appearance messy black short hair (turns silvery around magic, hm?). Mystery eyes/always covered by hair and cute smirk.Left arm chopped off (pretend on the photo please) with bandages all over. Belts, straps, guns and swords all over. She has tattoos and piercings.

Occupation: Works a lot of labor jobs, like construction, stock loader, ect. Works in the clock tower. Mechanic. Little jobs, all over the isle. Tattoo artist.

Likes: her swords, guns, working, (secretly) helping people, Parker, little kids, red, training, tattoos, drawing, art, clockwork, mechanics, (secretly) tinkering, living alone, being mischievous. Free running, parkour, flips, fun, her friends.

Dislikes: her (dead)dad, being bad (not to be confused with mischievous), books (you'll see), her friends parents, pink, girly things, dresses, skirts, her chopped arm, her scars, poverty, orphaned kids.

Skills: three sword skill (like Zoro's one but two of the swords in one hand), shooting, stronger than any 14 year old should (can lift practically anything with her one arm), amazing artist better than Mal, knows anything mechanical inside out, tinkering, high level pranks, free running, parkour, flippy stuff.

Relationships status: Mal, big sis. Jay, big bro. Evie, other big sis. Carlos, best friend(maybe crush Muahaha!!)

Sounds: gravely voice but cute and soft. And has a pirate/ British accent.

Bio: Foster was born 14 years ago. Her dad, James Hook, hated her for killing his love. He would abuse her, and when she was 4 she accidentally broke a vase and he was drunk again and mad. He chopped of her left arm, 'cause she was left handed. She meet her friends in kindergarten , they got held up a grade. Her dad died when she was 6 because he was a sniveling drunk with no money. She trained and worked the labor jobs that the elderly could no longer do, learning how to fix things, going to the scrap yard, building thing out of nothing, this got her money on the little better side of town where her friends live. Yeah she lived in the slums of the slums. She got a job at a tattoo parlor on the better side. When she was 10 she was running home she saw a little bundle in a basket in the water. She fished it out, thinking it was loot from Auradon but found a baby, there was a letter in the basket, (had Mal read it) saying that his mother was Red Riding hood and that she didn't want him cause he was paralyzed. She took him home and named him Parker Red Hook, and has started taking care of him since. Raising him right, to be a good person. What'll happen when they get chosen to go to Auradon with the others?

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