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Abbie's P.O.V
"Cmon guys we need to go to school were running late" I yelled as the twins were packing they're bags "are we walking mummy" Emily asked "yes sweetie we are" I smiled and she skipped off to her bag "alright let's go" I said as we walked out of the house "bye babe cya soon" Cameron yelled "bye love you" I yelled back and walked outside.
As we were walking a noticed we had some time to spear so I seen jazzy and Shae and started talking to them.
"So how is everything going at home" I asked "yeh it's great" Shae smiled "we haven't caught up in forever" jazzy said "yeh I know I've just been so busy with the baby on the way and the twins and school" I smiled "yeh we understand" Shae smiled "mummy" Emily said tugging my shirt "yes sweetie" I smiled looking down at her "Noah's going on the road" she said pointing to Noah "noah stop" I yelled and ran after him a car was coming and there wasn't enough time I picked him up and threw him to Shae than BOOM! I got hit by the car.
Emily's P.O.V
Noah was going on the road so I told mummy she went over to him and a car was coming. She picked Noah up and threw him to my auntie Shae and than got hit by the car "mummy" I screamed starting to cry. I looked at jazzy and Shae my aunties who were just frozen. I looked at the lady in the car who had her hand over her mouth screaming "mummy" Noah ran up to her and started crying "this is all my fault" he screamed "it's alright buddy well get mummy to the hospital it's not your fault" jazzy said to Noah while crying I looked at Shae who was on the phone with my daddy "Cameron Abbie just got hit by a car you need to come down here" Shae yelled into the phone and started breaking down in tears.
All of a sudden the ambulance came and picked up my mum and my dad came 2 minutes after "daddy" I said running to him and crying. He picked me up and spun me around "it's okay princess everything will be alright" he whispered to me and walked over to Noah who wasn't saying anything "buddy this isn't your fault alright you didn't know" dad said to him "but if I didn't go on the road mummy wouldn't have to save me and she would be here happy and smiling not dead" he started crying again "don't say that Noah your mum will be okay" Shae said to him but he didn't say anything.
Shae's P.O.V
We were just talking with Abbie and Emily told her Noah was on the road she went running to him and there was a car speeding down the road she picked up Noah and threw him to me and than the next minute the car smashed into her.
Noah thinks this is all his fault and it's not. If that driver was going the normal speed you should around schools none of this would have happened.
Abbie just got taken in the ambulance and jazzy went with her.
"Mummy what happened" I looked down and seen Blake, Grayson, Hayley and Lucas I sighed and looked down starting to cry again "why is there blood on the road mum" Blake asked "there has been an accident with your auntie" I said tearing up "what one?" Lucas said sounding frightened "Abbie" I said and the tears came flooding out. I looked over at Cameron who was standing there with Noah and Emily crying "alright listen I want you four to take Emily and Noah into class and stay with them and look after them okay because there mummy is in hospital and they are very sad" I told them and they nodded and ran over to Emily and Hayley "cmon guys lets go to class" Lucas told the twins "o-okay" Emily said and they walked to class.
Grayson P.O.V
"Why are you crying looser" I turned around and seen a boy bullying Noah and he started crying even more "his mum died" Hayley said looking down at her feet "you don't know if she's dead yet okay!" Emily yelled and the whole class was looking at us "children what seems to be the problem here" my teacher asked "my mum got hit by a car and we don't know if she'll stay alive" Noah sobbed and Blake hugged him. All the kids in the room gasped even the bully "I-I'm so sorry" the bully said to Noah "it fine" Noah said trying to hold back his tears "what about your mums baby" Lucas said looking at his feet "he is in her tummy so he/she will survive" Emily said trying to sound positive and Lucas nodded "okay well Emily, Noah, Blake, Hayley, Lucas and Grayson you guys can go in the chill tent while the class and I practice our times tables" our teacher said and we walked into the chill tent.
Jazzy's P.O.V
Abbie got rushed to the hospital in the ambulance and I came with her "we're loosing her" the paramedic yelled and they used these iron friction things and shocked body to make her heart beat. I started freaking out and I sat on the floor breathing really heavily "sweetie are you alright" I heard a voice echoing through my head and than I fainted.
I woke up in a hospital room and I got up and walked out and seen Cameron sitting in the chair crying next to Shae "have you seen her is she awake" I asked my voice sounding shaky "they don't know" Cameron said "we have to wait until tomorrow to find out" Shae said "okay well I'm going to call the boys and get them to find a babysitter and we'll all stay here with you Cameron" I said crying but trying to smile he looked up and smiled "thank you" he said and I nodded.
I went into the room I was in and called Bailey (J is jazzy and B is Bailey)
B: hey babe what's taking you so long
J: babe Abbie go hit by a speeding car
There was nothing but silence
B: I-is she alright?
J: we can't find out until tomorrow
B: okay
J: could you ring a baby sitter and get them to baby sit Grayson, Blake, Emily, Noah, Hayley and Lucas Cameron really needs us right now
B: babe I'll call Matthew and Hayes Im sure they'll look after them
J: okay bye babe
I hung up the phone and sat down next to Shae "so what's happening" shae questioned "Matthew and Hayes are going to look after them" I smiled and than the boys walked in I looked at Shae and she ran up to Jacob and started crying into his chest "shh it's okay I'm here" he said running her back.
Bailey came over and picked me up "are you alright?" He asked and I nodded but then looked at Cameron who wasn't saying anything he was just sitting there like a zombie he wasn't even moving.
"Alright cmon" I said to Cameron pulling him up "we're going to Starbucks and while we are there were ordering pizza to come to Starbucks" I smiled and he shook his head "I can't leave her" he said his voice cracking "Cameron you want to find out if she made it or not don't you?" Jacob asked him and he nodded "well if we go out and have fun the day will go faster" he smiled and Cameron nodded and we walk out of the hospital.

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