5: Mr. Blue

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            "YOU'RE eyes are just so blue." The gawking and fawning over Ryan instead of actually learning ticked my nerves. Three girls of different ethnicities were surrounding Ryan leaning on the table. I snorted as Ryan gave all his attention to the girl who threw the most compliments. The perks of being a Noble.

            "God blessed me." His perfect smile shined, mocking my imperfect teeth. He was so cocky that it left a bad taste in my mouth.

            Where is this teacher?

            "You know if the lady not here in thirty minutes we all can leave without any punishment?" Mummers filled the classroom at Dwight's flawed comment.

            "Shit, I'll leave right now," Ryan added slinging his book bag over his shoulder.

            "You are so bad," Groupie number one giggled, "But I can be badder." I gagged at her intunedo.

            I went back to my book blocking out the voices of the less intelligent. Something tickled my ear and I swatted at it hitting Ryan in the nose.

            "Damn girl," He said holding onto his nose pulling a chair way too close to comfort. I shoved his shoulder, "Don't do that ever again."

            He chuckled, "Did that rattle your sexual awakening that's been locked away for centuries?" I furrowed my brow, he definitely had a big imagination.

            "All you did was blow on my ear Ryan," I scoffed scooting my chair over in which he moved his chair once more. "And your breath didn't smell too great."

            He cackled at that, "You're so mean, I can see why there's probably cobwebs down there."

             I hit his shoulder, "Shut up." He was so crass. I usually didn't talk to Ryan in school unless forced by a project or something so I was definitely curious why he took to annoying me.

            I crossed my arms and he chuckled, "Everyone knows you get no play, I don't know why with a body like yours." He leaned back observing me with his hands raking through his dirty blonde, almost brown locks. I turned, fidgeting from his stare.

            "I don't need any play, I'll end up like you, too busy hitting from the back then actually hitting the books," I retorted. I-don't-need-a-man-because-I'm-a-strong-independent-black-woman, should be tattooed on my forehead. It was nothing but the truth.

            He grabbed my arm and pulled making me look into those charming eyes, the girl was right, they were so blue.

            "Speaking of that, I need a tutor Ree." He spoke so softly, almost as soft as his hands as they played with my fingers. He definitely deserved his spot on the Nobles.

            "A tutor?"

            He nodded his eyes wide, "You the smartest girl I know and if I don't get my grade up in Mr. Bent class I can't play Friday." His eyes looked pleading and I sighed. Mr. Bent was a gruesome AP lit teacher, if he didn't like you he would be hard on you, thankfully he took a liking towards me.

            "What's in it for me," I taunted eyeing him. His hand crawled up my thigh and I swatted his hand away quicker than you can say vanilla ding dong. "You wish." 

            He flashed his pearly whites, "It was worth a shot, sue me." I might if he pulled a stunt like that again.

            The door flung opened and Mrs. Carol hurried in with papers flying out of her folder and her loose curls falling out of her clip. "Sorry kids!" She pulled down her pencil skirt and wiped her hands. She sighed looking out to her clutter of students.

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