Chapter 3

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This chapter will be longer i promise!!
Im really
sorry for all of the short chapters. Btw i am able to update earlier then i thought.


Harry's p.o.v

I cant stop thinking about what happened almost three hours ago! I really like Niall but Louis likes Niall and i dont know which of us Niall likes! Its so confusing and i really hope Niall likes me.

About an hour later i fell asleep on ny bed watching tv. At 11:38 i woke up to a text from Niall.

From Niall:

"What are you doing today? :)"

I texted him back and said:

"Nothing really wanna come over and watch movies like last night?"

I was really surprised by his answer.

From Niall:

"Actually we need to talk"

Like 20 minutes later i was sitting on my couch when my door bursts open. I jumped a little and settled down when i realized it was Niall. He came straight in jumped on me and straddled my lap then he starts kissing me.

Niall's p.o.v

I burst through the door and run to Harry. I straddle his lap and start kissing him. It was a fast kiss and it was perfect. He was good at this.

When we quit kissing (at least 3 mins later) i said "Yes Harry I will." He just looked so happy and we started kissing fast and hard again.

Mmmm he's good. Harry stops and looks me in the eyes and says "I love you." and we started making out again.

A few minutes later my stomach growled. Harry said "You getting hungry Ni?" I nodded and said "You got any popcorn?" About 4 minutes later he came back with a huge bag of popcorn.

Then Haz put a movie in and covered us up with a blanket. He put his arm around me. We were watching Nemo.

Harry's p.o.v

We were watching Nemo. Mmm I started remembering how good Niall kisses. Mmmm it makes me want to moan and scream and mmmmmm. Hes perfect at it i knew he would be, but didnt know he'd be this good! At the part where Nemo is looking through the glass at the dentist, i climb in Nialls lap and straddle him.

I gently bite his bottom lip and kiss him. Without stopping the kiss i get off of him and pull him on top of me. He is now straddling my lap. He slowly moves his lips to my neck and i moan. Mmmmm. He needs to really stop though or something else might happen.

You all know what i mean;)

When i woke up i didn't put a shirt on so right now i have my boyfriend straddling my lap while im shirtless. When suddenly... SNAP! I wake up in a pile if sweat laying beside my girlfriend. I think to myself, It was just a dream. I am straight and i have a girlfriend. I look at my clock 12:37. At that very moment my girlfriend rolls over and sits up and says "Harry why are you so sweaty?!"

I said "I had a crazy dream thats all. Want me to cook some breakfast?" "Sure!" she said.


Sorry for an awful chapter please forgive me. Another question... Was Harry REALLY dreaming? Keep reading to find out! Comment vote and email this to friends!

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