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I watched as Sam scrolled through the internet on his laptop. His eyes widened and motioned for me to come to him.
"Look." He pointed toward a list that had a whole bunch of pound symbols and words beside it.

"What is it?" I asked. He sighed.

"It's a list of the top trending hashtags on social media," he explained. "It's kind of a list of things the most people want." I nodded in understanding. "And... #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is number one on the list!"

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why would people want that? I thought girls swooned over me!"

"Well... let me explain. There is this thing called shipping, where you take two (or three) people and want them to be in a relationship. Now, there are a whole bunch of ships with you in them. There's Cap/Iron Man, Cap/Black Widow, even Cap/Falcon! Oh, and people do ship Cap/Bucky too. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

"Oh, well... um, I'm... bisexual. I didn't tell anyone because I just remember- well, I- I kissed a boy once back in the 40s and someone caught me and- I got abused by him for a really long time, until Bucky found out,"

"No one will hate you for liking men, well some people will, but they are very narrow minded and hateful. I understand if you aren't ready to tell the fans. And I'm just wondering, who else knew about it?"

"Bucky and the guy who beat me up."

"So the guy you kissed was Bucky?"

I cursed under my breath and said, "Yes..."

"Did he like it?"

"I don't know." Sam nodded. Suddenly one of the scientists barged into the room.

"We found a cure!" she exalted. Sam and I exchanged looks. We sprung off the couch and ran into the lab. I saw the lifeless man in the cryogenic chamber and Wanda sitting beside it. She waved shyly at us.

"Wanda is going to use her telepathic powers to tap into Mr. Barnes' brain and remove the bad thoughts," the scientist explained.

"Just to make sure it's safe can she test it on me? Get rid of a memory, any memory that seems unimportant. I just want Bucky to be safe," I suggested. The scientist shrugged. Wanda stepped up and put her fingers to my temples. We both closed our eyes and I felt something rummage around my mind. Once she picked the memory pain surged through my head. I tried to deal with it until she was done and then the pain went away. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me. "What?"

"Sorry, it's just that you looked like you were in a lot of pain and then BOOM! gone." Sam said. I just shrugged.

"Bucky will still be unconscious during the erasing process, correct?" I asked. The scientist nodded her head. "Do it."

They took Bucky out of the cryogenic chamber and laid him down. Wanda put her fingers to his temples and went right in. After a few seconds she jumped back with fear and sadness in her eyes.

"The pain. The torture. It's too much for me! I can't do it!" Wanda exclaimed, visibly shaken by the memories she encountered. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, on the verge of crying.

"Yes you can. You are one of the toughest girls I know, I know you can do it." I encouraged her. She swallowed and tried again. She started sweating and she was shaking, but held on. After a few minutes a black, glowing orb held by red magic rose out of his head. Wanda took it and crushed it with her hand. Bucky's eyes slowly opened and looked at me and grinned. He sat up and I hugged him. With my arms still wrapped around him, I looked at Sam. He mouthed the words do it already. I separated from him and immediately closed the gap. My lips pressed against his. I heard Wanda ask, "What the fuck is just happened?" 

Give Captain America A Boyfriend (Stucky One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now