Whoa...Who Are You?

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"Come on let's go to the hotel," said Anna.

"Okay," Derek and I said I at the same time. We started laughing, then stopped. "Sorry," is all we said and started getting our stuff together. But we were surprised when Anna and Alex looked at us like we were crazy.

"Why would you want to be sorry for laughing?" asked Alex.

"Can we trust you...your whole family?" I asked after looking at Derek asking for permission to tell them.

"Yes, why what's wrong?" asked Alex.

"When Derek and I were in other foster homes,we were abused...and the last foster dad, he had almost killed Derek...he just randomly started beating the living shit out of Derek," I said.

I looked over at Derek who had tears running down his cheeks. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, and I cried to.

Alex and Anna exchanged a knowing look and Anna said, "I knew i was right when I took one look at you both and I saw strength, and nervousness. You can trust me, Alex, and the other family members. I swear to you that I will love you until you leave, you know what not even then. I will always love you."

"Thank you," was all I said.

"So onto another subject, what are your favorite colors and what color or colors do you want your rooms to be painted?" asked Alex.

"Could we eat soon? I'm starving," Derek said.

"Baby your always starving," I told him.

"Okay. We have two other kids living at the house. Their names are Emma and Jake. Jake is in a band. And Emma's a skateboarder, and they can't wait to meet you both," Alex said.

"And their at the hotel also," added Anna.

I looked over at Derek and saw so much joy at having a brother that might really like him was too much. I walked over to him and hugged him tight will crying.

"Are you okay sissy?" Derek asked me.

"Yeah, I am. I'm just happy to see you so happy about a new place," I told him.

"Okay. I believe you," Derek said. Then added, "This time."

"Okay. You guys ready?" I asked.

"Yes," Anna and Alex smiled.

"So what are we waiting for?" Derek said jumping up and down, just to find out that it hurts to jump. "Ow."

"Be careful Baby," I said looking at his leg.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road," Alex said.

As we walked out I saw Officer Rainsford and told him "Thank you" again.

"Have a nice year Nikki," Officer Rainsford said.

"You too Officer," was all I said. And went it the waiting car to take my brother and I to a new home.

20 minutes later....

We had just gotten inside the room, and someone was already hugging my brother and I.

"Holy-," I said as I fell to the floor. Thankfully someone caught me before I hit the ground.

"Thanks," I said and looked at the person who had caught me. He had dark hair and bright electric blue eyes.

"No problem. You must be Nikki," he said. "Oh right, I'm Jake." He added. As he pulled me up.

"Um, yeah I am. And this is my little brother Derek," I said.

"Hi. I'm Derek. I like skateboarding and art and I've never had a brother before," Derek said quickly. "And I like punk, metal, and very little rap."

"Hey you'll fit in perfectly here," Emma said happily. "And I'm really, really sorry for knocking you over."

"It's okay," I said with a sisterly smile. She smiled back. "Really sorry, but it's been a long day. I thank I'll go to sleep,"

"Alright, well your room is down the hall second door to the right." Emma said.

"Thanks. Good night," I told everyone.

The room was huge. I have never seen a room as big as this. As soon as I lay down I'm asleep.

*Next Morning*

I wake up to find Derek cuddled up next to me, and I smile.

"Hey Baby, it's time to get up ." I shook him awake.

"Okay," Derek said still tired.

"Baby if you get up now and get dressed, then I'll make you some chocolate chip pancakes." I told him.

All of a sudden he jumped up faster than I have ever seen him get up, since before dad died.

I got up and made pancakes for everyone, and they didn't get up until they were all done and Derek was eating.

"Hmmm-hmmmm, what smells so damn good?" Jake asked coming into the kiction followed by everyone else agreeing.

"Pancakes," Derek said jumping up and down in his chair.

"Baby don't jump in your chair, you'll get hurt," I told him.

"Okay.... if you give me some more pancakes," Derek bargained. Damn he was already done with his plate? But then again if you try to steal his pancakes, then you'd most likely lose you fingers, hand, and or arm.

"Alright. I'll give yo two more," I said to him smiling.

"Yes!" Derek said in victory.

"Can we have some too?" Jake asked with a pout.

"Go ahead. That's why there's plates on the counter," I told him kindly.

"Thank you for breakfast sissy," Derek said smiling at me.

*After Breakfast*

"We need to be at the airport in two hours. So if you haven't packed, than I suggest you do so now before we have to leave." Alex told everyone.

*At the Airport*

As we got on the plane I couldn't help but think about all that has happened over the last few days: Derek was almost killed, we got a new foster family, and I'm not surprised that Derek asked me to make him pancakes every other Tuesday.

I just hope that Derek will be happy at our new home.

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