Alpha Smack Down

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  • Dedicated to Bella Johnson

Dedicated to 2 awesome friends.  Bella Johnson and Challengethemind

The day was just starting to wake. The sun beginning to crawl over the edge of the

hills and turn the black skies a soft lavender. The lavender color first thing in the

morning was my favorite. That fresh earthy hue was already getting brighter. Oh how I wished I could hang on to that beautiful moment just a minute longer. Oh well it was time to get started with the household chores.

In a house as large as this one there was always something that needed to be cleaned or washed or folded and put up. The kids in this house were just spoiled little brats. I was never allowed to be that out of control. I never would have thought of running around with my personals hanging out of every neckline, skirt hem or shorts. I swear I have never seen more ass cheek hanging out of the top or bottom of pants, shorts or skirts. These girls act like the more skin they show the better they are going to be liked.

There were none worse than Bebe.. Man could she bitch about everything. Nothing ever maked her happy.

Alpha came in last night and said he was going to have a mate party for all the unmated

wolves. She yelled because it was a casual party. I mean come on. She yelled because she wasn’t going to be able to wear her slutty little nothing dresses. I mean thank God for that. We all see enough of it hanging out as it is. I mean there she was traipsing

around in front of eleven, twelve, and thirteen-year-old boys in nothing but a ripped up shirt and swim suit top. If you could call two small; two inch triangles hooked together by a couple of strings a swim suit top. Oh yeah, she wears a 36 D bra. How do I know because I do her laundry all the time. Oh, then there were her short, short shorts. They’re so small that her ass crack shows over the top of them. It was gross and the fact you could see her thong riding up it. Oh Yuck.

She yelled at alpha about not being able to dress up. Funny part was when he turned around and asked who she thought she was to raise her voice to him like that?

"I will be the next female alpha as soon as your son comes home and discovers I am his

mate." she smuggly replied.

Alpha raised is eye brows "You think I will let some little slut like you run my pack? That will be interesting to see." He turned his back indicating that he was through with her.

"As I was saying we will be having a casual lunch on the grounds. Barbeque and all the trimmings. Afterwards we will retire to the lake for fun in the water and…"

He spun in a tight circle as a shriek came from behind him.

"Why would we be going to the lake when we have a wonderful clean pool...?"

The next words where cut off as Alpha slammed a hand into her throat effectively cutting her biting words off.

"Would someone please get this piece of loud mouth trash out of my sight and hearing range," Alpha growled.

It was so amazing to see her shut up.

"By the way would you please throw some clothes at the whore while you are at it," Alpha called to his beta and third in command as they dragged her out of the room.

Alpha went on to explain that after a fun filled afternoon at the lake we would break to

get ready for the evening activities. We would all sit down to a formal dinner and dance to close out the evening of mate catching and friend making. Everyone was so excited.

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