The End

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As I turn in his arms Dalton pulls me close. He draws in my scent and kisses my neck. I hear Bebe muttering and mumbling. Alpha was still shaking. He was still so mad. I pulled way from Dalton to try and calm Alpha down. Laying my hand on Alpha arm he seems to be calming but the growl from behind me made him tense back up.

Looking around I notice that it was Dalton who was growling. I go to scold him for growling a his father when the foul smell of Bebe overpowered me. I look towards the window that Bebe had flown out of moments before. A few members of the pack were trying to get her back to the pack hospital. She screams in pain as they jostle her thru the window again.

Dalton did not seem to be happy to have her in his presence. He growled a little louder making others in the room cower and drop their heads. He starts to advance towards the limp form of Bebe. Just as he gets to her side she opens her eyes and tries to smile. She signals for him to lean closer.

“ I told him he would regret treating me this way when you got here,” She whispers to him. Dalton's eyes shift from the pretty greenish blue to a frightening fresh poured pewter color as he looked down at her. He seemed to grow taller as he leans in to whisper in her ear. “ Be lucky he got to you first or otherwise he wouldn't be carrying you to the hospital but to the morgue,” he growls at her.

I quickly run up to his side. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him back to me. Dalton stood up and looked at the rest of the pack.

Dalton cleared is throat getting the attention of all the pack members. “ I soon-to-be-Alpha Dalton Princeton declare that you Bebe Dempsht shall no longer be allowed to interact or be allowed on pack lands. You will not talk to or about any members of this pack. You shall be branded as a traitor to this pack and leave as soon as you are capable. As soon as your wolf can limp you WILL leave the pack lands never to return.”

I start crying feeling like her exile was all my fault. I start over to where she is at only to have the male wolves all start growling and snarling . I step back some and most of the wolves calm down some but not all.

Just as the guys carrying Bebe start towards the door it is thrown open and a freezing wind blows thru the room. In the doorway stood a fairly small wolf, maybe a young teen wolf. The wolf is coated in shadows even though it was bright with the sun shining outside.

The wolf lifted its head and the power that rolled off it. I fell my knees as the wave of power hit me. The only ones left standing were Alpha Craig and Alpha-to-be-Dalton. Although Craig didnt look like he was going to be standing long. His eyes were wide and dialated. He was breathing hard and shaking. He seemed to be drowning in that moment..

the wolf in the door way looked around before walking towards Bebe. The wolf leans down to whisper something in Bebe's ear before Bebe screams out in pain. The hood the wolf falls back as it stands up straight revealing a beautiful wolf. The wolfs hair was a gorgeous chocolate brown color.

The wolf looks around and then looks toward Alpha Craig. Their eyes meld into one gaze. Everyone's eyes drop to give them a moment of privacy. As the couple gaze deeply and longingly into each eyes Bebe screams loudly again. I look over to where Bebe is now laying on the ground as she was dropped roughly when we all hit our knees. Her back is arched and she is thrashing around like someone is trying to rip something from her gut.

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