Chapter 1

18 1 2

He looked up from his postion in horror. The man he was facing no beast he was facing was insane. When he looked into his eyes he saw no emotion just the eyes of a experienced warrior. His next few moves would decide weather he would survive or die a gruesome death. He though this was like a game of chess for him. He had to analyze everything and make sure he missed nothing because all it would take is just one little fault or mistake and his head would be severed from his body. As he analyzed his opponent he started to gain confidence. He thought to himself "He was a sage one of the strongest warriors there was and here he was facing a mentor of only 18 years of age." There were plenty of mentors in the world and he could beat 4 of them with a broken arm. Those thoughts would be his end because as he thought that he got to cocky. He wasn't completely focused and like in a game of chess if you aren't completely focused then your opponent will eat you up. He moved quick and with the swiftness of a sage tried to go for a jab at the mentor. The mentor who would later be known as the Crimson Breeze quickly moved to the right and with the speed of a sage pushed his sword in his right arm up knocking the sages sword up. The mentor quickly put his sword in his left hand in a reverse grip. While spinning around so his back was facing his opponent. He then quickly tried to stab the sage in the back. The sage predicted this but underestimated the speed that the young mentor had and paid dearly for it. Quickly the left handed sage dropped his sword and pushed of with both feet to the right to get away. He was not quick enough though as he had a deep wound on the left side of his stomach area. The sage while blinded by the pain still had enough sense to jump back as the wind of 2 swords passed right where he was standing a second ago. Quickly jumping back the sage threw 3 kunai where he was standing a second ago. He underestimated the mentors skill. While he might not be as strong and experienced as most sages he certainly had speed on his side. As these thoughts went through his head he was violently blown back by a powerful gust of wind. Surprised and hurt the sage had no time to react as the young mentor appeared right in front of his face with both of his swords aimed to slice his head off. He didn't even have time to scream or put his hands up to his face as both swords cut clean through his neck granting him a quick and honorable death.

As the young mentor stood there with blood across his face he took time to take in his surroundings. As he looked behind him he saw his own men of equal or lower rank than him look at him in shock and awed faces. He then looked forward to see the enemy. There faces were filled with shock and horror at seeing there leader and one of the most powerful men in there army killed by this young mentor of age 18.

Nobody at the west wall was fighting at the time of the duel between two powerful warriors. It was tradition to not fight when two leaders or the two most powerful men on the battlefield were fighting. If they were you would simply stop and both would jump away to watch the fight.

Though during this time whoever wins gets a big morale boast and could essentially turn the tide of a war or battle.

So when the mentor that was not even supposed to be close to the rank of a sage beat one. Well it just turned the tides for the Verenigd forces at the east wall. They then started rushing past the young mentor into the forliss attackers that outnumbered them 1 to 4. But the attackers still in shock that there leader was dead were surprised as a force of 700 men crashed into thier 3,000 and took around 600 men to thier grave. They were then proceeded to be pushed back to the eastern walls where they were contained until reinforce ts arrived.

The 18 year old man standing there looked up in to the dark sky and stared at the moon. You could clearly see his features now that they were highlighted by the bright moon. His once long dark brownish-blackish hair with Crimson tips on the ends were now matted down around his face just above his eyes. His face and hair was colored a dark Crimson red which was blood. While he didn't look like a Greek God he looked better than most of the male population in Verenigd. His face clearly had shock written all over his face as he just killed a one of the most powerful men in a 350,000 strong army. The man he just killed was in charge of the 20,000 thousand men that were assaulting his fort defended by 5,000 thousand  Verenigd forces most which were just marshals the most common and standard rank for a soldier.

As he looked to his right and left he analyzed the walls. The eastern wall was the only wall that has been destroyed and around 500 Verenigd troops were already killed there. Looking to his left he noticed a company of rangers running at him or more specifically the destroyed wall. He inwardly smiled noticing that they were the reinforcements.

Rangers had to be at least mentor rank in terms of basic stuff such as speed, strength, manna, and illusions. Rangers were the elite group of the army. They were made to carry out secret mission and stuff like that. They were also had to be a master of the sword and stealth. An illusion is something that a warrior creates with there manna such as that violent gust of wind that the mentor used on the sage. Warriors use thier manna and manipulate it into doing illusions. But warriors only have so much manna and can run out but it won't be fatal. Illusions got thier name from originally being illusions but then being crafted into something real. Common illusions are ones such as spitting smoke in which some one spits 3 balls out of thier mouth which explode into smoke on contact. Another one exploding spear in which the user generates a spear that you throw which travels at high speeds and explodes on contact with anything it hits.

He was brought back to reality as a kunai flew centimeters away from his face. Quickly getting over his shock he looked up to see two marshals running at him. Quickly bringing his left hand up he unleashed a illusion called wind wave. Wind wave was a very hard illusion to learn and then master but having 3 and a half years to practice there was no surprise when a violent gust of unleashed from his left hand. The wave of wind quickly raced at the 2 inexperienced marshals and as a result both were violently thrown back a good couple of feet. When one marshal got up he quickly realized that his teammate was dead before he even hit the ground. Not quite over his shock yet he had no time to react when the young mentor appeared in front of him with both swords already entering his body.

His last thought though was still on how his friend had died. His friends death was the result of the young mentors illusion. The Wind wave if powerful enough has enough force to break the neck of the person that it is being used on.

The young mentor then looked up until his eyes rested on the battle before him. The enemy still not able to comprehend what had happened was pushed back out of the fort and was forced to retreat.  Though that's all the young mentor could get in before his eyelids started to get heavy and he fell forward.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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