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As days passed, the girl, she had her doubts. Not surprising right? People get tired of it eventually. And slowly start to realize that with that person, it will never be a normal happy relationship. Why? Because the girl is always having the same doubts, same excuses, same attitude. Eventually the boy started to slowly give up. He knew what was best. Everyone knew what was best at the point.

She realized that he didn't really love her. He never showed it and never will. They decided to stop talking and to stop having any connections. Why? For the best. He didn't really know much of the reasons of why they didn't end up together. Maybe he thought it was the same thing. Maybe she wasn't happy? No. She was the happiest she could be. But then it really hit her when she started to think why am I with someone that I love too much but doesnt love me the same. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to end it. The more he said he didnt want to end it. The more she had to. Because words are words. The boys actions never met up with his words. The boy always said she couldve done better. And yeah, maybe she could. But what if she didn't want better. What if that what she wanted all along? She didn't care about looks. She loved him for whoever he was. whoever he turned out to be. She loved him for him. Because well she got too attached.

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