الـحـيـاة بـعـد الـمـوت

26 5 4

Life after death is for eternity,
For the righteous it will be filled with prosperity,
While for the sinful, it will be a mere catastrophe,
Because on that day, your deeds will determine your true identity.

The soul separates from the body when we die,
Along with the angel of death it will fly,
To Allah, Al Muhyi Wal Mumit-
The Giver of Life and the One Who causes death.

So let the heart be filled with fear,
For on that day no one will wipe away our tear.
Prepare not for this world but for the Hereafter,
Where for our deeds we'll have to answer.

O Muslimeen, enjoin good and forbid evil,
Before we realize our life has no sequel.
O Muhsineen, forgive, forget and repent,
Before to our Lord, we ascend.

Jazakallahu Khairan.

Don't forget to vote and comment In Sha Allah.

-Gorgeous Eyes

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