One way love

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Jack made his way down the streets of Ireland. The rain poured down on him as he walked. The tears on his face went unnoticed by people he passed. The sky was dark and gloomy. All the happiness had drained out of him.

He got to his apartment and made his way to his bathroom. Once he was in the room he rolled up his sleeve to reveal an arm full of old and new cuts. He grabbed his blade and made a few more. Tears rolled down his face faster. He rolled his sleeve back down. The sleeve and the new cut marks made his arm sting. He didn't care. Jack walked out his bathroom and sat in his recording space. He needed to record a video for 8 o'clock. He grabbed some tissues and dabbed them on his now bleeding arm. He grabbed a few more and whipped his tears. Then he turned his camera on.

Mark sat in his house waiting for Jacks new video. He refreshed YouTube every 5 seconds and soon a video popped up in his feed. He clicked it and the video began. Mark noticed something wasn't right. Jack had tear stains down his face. His voice was quieter than usual. His energy had drained away from him. Mark could tell jack hadn't slept in a while. Then he noticed Jacks arms. He had his sleeves down but Mark could see red.

Mark closed the video down and called his friend on skype. Jack answered it. His computer camera made it so Mark could see more than in his videos. Mark saw the tissues on Jack's desk. A few with red marks on them. Jack looked worse than in his video.

"Jack how are you?" Mark asked worried about his friend.

"I'm fine Mark," Jack replied quietly. Suddenly Jack ended the call. Mark stood up and picked up a few of his belongings. He couldn't just sit here while his friend was upset. He made his way to the airport. He didn't care how much it cost. He needed to see Jack.

Jack sat there staring at his screen. He had just ended the call on Mark. He sighed and when to his kitchen to get food. Her voice echoed in his ear.

"I love you Jack,"

Jack shook his head. She was gone now. She hated him. Everyone did. Jack and his girlfriend broke up a few weeks ago. That's when Jack began to lose his energy and happiness. Jack made himself a sandwich and ate it in his room. Jack grabbed a pen and wrote a note. He put the note in pocket. He then lay there and went to sleep.

In the morning Jack woke up crying. He had yet again had another dream about her. He knew what he had to do. He couldn't live like this anymore. He walked to his bathroom and found some pills. He ate all of them. At first he was fine but then his vision started going blurry and he blacked out. As he did he banged his head on his cabinet.

Mark was now on a plane to Ireland. He hadn't slept all night and he was landing. Once he got out he called a taxi and made his way to Jacks apartment. There was an ambulance and a police car outside. Jack was being carried out and his neighbour was in tears.

Jacks neighbour heard a bang from Jacks apartment. She went and knocked on his door. She got no reply so she climbed in through an open window. She knew how depressed Jack had been recently. She walked in on his laying on the floor. Blood was pouring from Jacks head. She screamed and called 999.

Mark saw the ambulance leave and followed in his car. The ambulance arrived quicker than Mark. Jack was in the emergency area. Mark was crying as he ran in. He hurried to find where jack was. Once he found Jacks room all the doctors were around him. The machines he was attached to made one long beep.

"No. No,no,no! Jack no!" Mark fell onto his knees. He had lost Jack. He didn't noticed quick enough. The doctors walked up to him.

"Are you Mark?" They ask.

"Yeah why?" He asked. Tears were pouring down his face.

"We found this note addressed to you in his pocket." They pass Mark the note.

"Dear Mark,

By the time you read this it will be too late. I'm sorry it had to be like this. I knew I was useless from day one. What I didn't realise was I was in everyone's way. I wish I was never born! People would be better off without me, so that's what I've done. I hope this doesn't upset you too much. Heck you probably won't even care. Like I said no one does. Have a great life Mark.


"No jack, No everyone cared. Lots of people cared. I cared! I loved you jack!" Mark shouted out loud. He looked up to the sky.

"I miss you Jack. You will never be forgotten. I'm sorry I didn't notice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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