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It was a day for seen, a day to remember, a battle like no other. But our story starts long before that, in a time of great peace.

There was a young beautiful angle. Her eyes were as blue as sapphire, her smile as bright as the morning sun and she had Long silver hair. Her name was joy, for she was one of the Nine Angles of the Spirit. She fell in love with another angle by the name of Azazel, one of the Four Great Pillars. He was tall with a very demanding presence. His eyes crimson not like any other shade of red. His voice was as smooth as the wind moving throughout the trees and had short white hair.

The two met in the room of confession and ever since that day, they have loved each other. They would spend all of their free time together. But the happiness did not stay that way forever, because there was one who wanted more. It was because of Lucifer the one who wanted to be like God. He is also one of the Four Great Pillars.

He was the one who started the very first war, the war against God and he was able to convinced one third of an infinity number of angles that God was unjust and unfair that God would forget them when the plan of creation was completed. Lucifer new that god knew that God everything he was planning. 

God now on the other side of things sent Gabriel out to find a suitable place for his plan to begin. God also told Michael to send word his self to all of the Angels of Power and to do so in a way that neither Lucifer nor Azazel would know, for Azazel to had been pulled into Lucifer's hands. This left Michael and Gabriel as the last two members of The Four Great Pillars.

With the return of Gabriel God commanded that the conference was to be held immediately. Then, when all of the angels of power arrived, the meeting began. The angels of power consist of the Nine Angels of the Spirit, the angels which govern over Life and Death 'Gray and Dawn' and The Great Pillars also among them was The Spirit and The Son

The conference started with silence in the room. "There's going to be a war." God said. "What!" shouted Gray, "cram yourself Gray, what is this all about God" added Dawn. "This is about Lucifer," he answered. "So the roomer are true" inquired Dawn. "And what of Azazel" asked Love, "I see he too is not present." "Unfortunately he was also pulled under Lucifer wing" The Son answered. "God, if you knew this why haven't you done anything to stop it?" Joy questioned.

God answered, "If I had done something I would have been proving everything he has been saying or at the very least it would disrepair so. You see he has been telling his followers that I am oppressive, that I want then to believe that they themselves are capable of becoming a God." "What kind of blasphemy is this, I mean he should know very well that you are the crater." Peace shouted in rage. "Well we can see this as a test for all his followers." Faith said. "There is one more thing we have to tell you. The Sun added." "And what could this be?" Michael asked. "He knows about the conference." He answered. "How could this be? Are you sure." Temperance asked? "You see he had many followers within the helm of confidants." The Spirit answered. "This is all we have to say for now, tell no one about what went won here today and just be ready." God ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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