Chapter Five

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I walk into the back room, hands shaking. No, no, no! They can't find out now. I'm so close, so close to being normal! I've done everything right. I've been so perfect for seventeen years, always careful, always alert, always perfect posture always saying doing thinking what they wanted me to! Now I'm going to die for that?

A man in a white suit is waiting for me. He's wearing latex gloves, and there's a small scanner machine in his hand.

"Hello. I'm here to examine you today." His voice is flat and monotone. I'm terrified. The walls are all white, and the door is metal. I feel like I'm trapped in an insane asylum. "An error was found on your Timer. If this er-er-error is succesful, a new Timer must be installed."

"What? They- they do that?"

He smiles, revealing a perfect set of white teeth. "Yes. You see, you're far too valuable to lose. Too pretty. Too obedient. Of course, our perfect little girl can't be flawed, can she?" He stares at me, and my stomach whirls. This is awful. There's something about his gaze that's so lifeless, so robotic.

"What are you going to do to me?" my voice shakes, and I search around for something I can attack him with if necesarry.

"Just replace your Timer. It's painful, really. I had it done, myself." He holds up his wrist slowly, to reveal a Timer, except grotesque. It's covered in loose wires and blood and it releases a few stray sparks. "I was reprogrammed. I got messed up, but they thought I was valuable. So they fixed me."

He starts to walk over to me, and I back away until I hit the wall. I reach for the doorknob, but it's locked. I hear yelling from the other side of the door-- is that Taylor?

I can barely make out his muffled voice. "-doing to her? You can't just take her away like that! She's perfectly normal. If you're taking anyone, it should be me! I'm causing a disturbance. I break the rules. She's busted her butt to follow your stupid rules, but I live to defy them!"

He was defending me?

The doctor grabs my wrist and grins yet again. "My dear, I know you think he's your hero, but if he keeps doing that he'll end up right here. Just like you." He leans in close, and whispers in my ear. "Just like Seycrid."

I thrash around, trying to lose his tight grip. I'm overcome with fury and anger. "What did you do to her? I swear, if you touched her, if you even put your filthy hands on her, I'll rip you to pieces!" I scream and punch and kick but he's too strong.

"Ha. My dear. We can't let a rogue live! We reprogram them. Then, we kill them."

"You sick little--" I reach for his throat with my free hand, but he grabs it just in time and throws me against the wal l with inhuman strength. Pain surges through my body, and I'm sure I've broken at least a few bones. He kneels down and pushes against my throat with his forearm.

"You think you can help her. But you can't. Her procedure is tonight. We'll burn her tomorrow." He grins that stupid grin and I try so hard to break away but I can't. I can't move. I close my eyes and get ready to die-- or even worse, become a Society robot like this poor guy.

I hear Taylor from the other side again, but this time he's quieter, more menacing. "You... me in there or I'll... rip your.... ing head off."

I could barely understand him, but I could tell he was doing something very bad. The robot looks me in the eyes and says, "He really wants to join you and Seycrid." He lets me go, and I sink to the ground, struggling to breathe. "Well. Let's get started, then. First is your examination." He puts the scanner up to my Timer, and a red hot pain sears through my wrist. I try to squirm, but I can't move.

"Yep. Looks like somebody needs reprogrammed." He smiles a Cheshire cat smile and grabs his tools, prepared to work.

Somebody slams their body against the door from the other side. "Kamilah!" I hear Taylor scream.

"Taylor," I whimper, struggling to stay concious.

The robot frowns. "Your boyfriend coming to save you?"

I don't respond, just focus on staying awake. I force my eyes to stay open. I will not fall asleep.

In the corner of my half-closed eye I see Taylor. He's inside now, long black hair falling into his eyes heroicly. In that moment, he looks so perfect, so flawless, so undefeatable.

He stares at me, then the robot. In a low, menacing growl, he whispers, "What have you done?"

Before the robot can even reply, Taylor lunges for him. He points the robot to the ground, but it easily throws Taylor off and starts choking him.

Immediately, I try to stand up, try to help him. Weird, how in just minutes two people could go from loathing each other to rising their lives for each other. But, I'm not doing this because I like him. This doesn't change how he treated me. I'm doing this out of necessity. If he doesn't escape with me, then surely I'll be caught and trapped again.

Yet, I couldn't wrap my mind around why he was helping me. After all, he just said he hated me. Now, he was about to die trying to help me.

That's when it hits me. He's going to die. My Match, the person I've waited 17 years for, the person deemed perfect for me, my once chance at normality, at finally fitting in-- is about to die.

I try to walk towards him. I finally manage to stand, but I can't stay up without leaning against the wall. This is it. Taylor's going to die, and I'm going to become one of those things.

I can't watch.

I have to watch.

I stare at him, unable to help, barely able to move. Taylor desperately struggles to push the robot off, but it's futile. A tear leaks out of my eyeas Taylor starts to go limp.

Then, a loud bang resounds through the room. Standing in the doorway is a woman-- no, a girl, just my age. Her blonde hair barely goes past her ears, and her arms have thick muscles. In her hand is a pistol, pointed at the two struggling men.

I dare to glance over. Both Taylor and the robot are slumped against the wall, but it's obvious who her target was. A clean bullet hole is visible right between the robot's eyes. A tiny bit of blood leaks out, but not nearly the amount expected of a human. I can only pray that it's dead.

The girl walks over to Taylor and holds out her hand. Taylor stares at it for a moment, then grabs it and tries to pull himself up. It's a pitiful sight, seeing him struggle to stand. He leans against the girl, who basically carries him over to me.

"You alright?" She asks. Green eyes stare into mine, and I shake my head.

"I- I think I broke something. I can't walk," I stutter, barely able to talk. My words slur together, and my vision is fuzzy.

"I figured as much. You don't look too good."

I finally take a moment to examine myself, and I'm not too happy with what I see. I'm covered in blood, and my clothes are ripped. There's a huge gash in the flesh of my back, no doubt from slamming into the wall. I feel bruised and torn up and just awful.

She nods, and then shouts out the door, "J! We need your help in here!"

A man walks in the door. I try to distinguish his features, but my vision is too blurred and there's blood in my eyes. I try to keep them open, but it's hopeless. I feel two strong arms pick me up and carry me out the door to who-knows where.

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