Life and Death

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 What is the difference between life and death?

The definition of life: the exsitence of an individal Human being or Animal.

The definition of Death: The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

There's a large differnce isn't there? but for Hanna is it possible to be both? Realistically no, but for Hanna yes. She felt dead inside, but yet, she was still alive, but for how much longer? A kicked her and punched her every hour, she was battered and bruised maybe even a broken bone. She tried to fight back, she couldn't, he, she, it, whoever it was, was armed. A, had a gun and it was pointed at her or a knife was held to her throat.

Yet inside she was feeling another type of death, a death that was undiagnoised as a death. A death that killed more people than actual physical death. Heart Break. Seeing her best friend with the love of her life tared the poor girl into two. But now she hoped that was over and Spencer would move back to Toby. After the moment her and Caleb had, they surely would get back together, right?


It was a race against time for the rest of them. Could they save Hanna? Well Caleb didn't have much of a choice, he wasn't letting her down. He had no choice but to save his true love.

Another sleepless night for Caleb, he couldn't live with this, he Couldn't deal with not knowing where Hanna was, not knowing if Amoji, as he called him/her/it, was hurting her. But worst of all, not knowing if she was even alive.

How could the other's sleep knowing this. He didn't understand how they expected him to wait till the morning to start investigating her where abouts. He couldn't stand the word, Wait. He gave in, he had to do something.

After another cup of strong coffee, he sat down in his hotel room at The Radley. Staying with Spencer was out of the question. Spaleb, Spencer and Caleb, were officially over. After the moment Caleb had with Hanna before they lost her, he could never love anyone except Hanna agian.

No one knew where Hanna's relationship with Jordan stood, Caleb hoped it wouldn't stand at all. Surely after the moment they had, they would get back together but that was only if they found her. But more importantly, Found her Alive.


Hanna's screams echoed the bell tower, "Why couldn't anyone hear her" she thought.

"Shut up, silly girl! No one can hear you" This was the first time she's heard A's voice, it was definetly a girl, but who? Hanna didn't know, Hanna just prayed she would still be alive in the morning. She knew Church was being held as it was sunday, someone was bound to hear her screams.

"Who are you?' Hanna asked relatively calm.

"That Missy, is none of your buisness. Get some sleep, this is the only chance you're getting without being tourtured." That was Uber A's final words before exiting leaving Hanna sitting in the corner, brusied and battered to the bone.

Hanna shed a few tears thinking about the mistake she made. She was now almost certian she was going to die.

Then she realised something that lay infront of her, a phone. An Iphone 6s by the looks of it. She picked it up praying it was unlocked and it was, Hanna couldn't of had anymore luck.

She dragged her weak and limp body towards the phone and eventually picked it up, it only had 9% battery left

Thanking god she knew his number of by heart as she dialed the familiar didgets of Caleb cell phone.


Caleb woke to a sound of his phone ringing, unknown number. He found that strange, an unknowing number calling at 4:47am. Then a sudden thought passed his mind, Could it be Hanna?

Life and Death (Haleb, Pretty Little Liars)Where stories live. Discover now