Part 1

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Wakening to the sweet smell of waffles I gave out a stretch and a yawn and opened my eyes. It was official, the first day of summer. Glancing over to the window I was blinded by the sun, I grinned and pulled myself out of bed. "Good morning mum." I cheered walking down the stairs. "Good morning darling, sleep well?" My mother asked in her polite manner. My mother is my rock. We have such a strong mother/daughter relationship. My dad has never been there for us so for as long as I can remember it's just been the two of us. My mum teaches at the local college which is great because it means we can spend the summer together. "I did thank you." I replied back. Pouring some orange juice into a glass and grabbing a freshly made waffle i strolled over to the table to join my mother. "Hey Emma I thought we could head over to town and you can pick a new outfit for this beach party tonight, what do you say?" To be honest I completely forgot about the beach party but now that I'm reminded I cannot wait. Reuniting with all my friends before we head our separate ways. "I would love that mum, thank you. Let me take a quick shower and I'll get ready." Popping the last piece of waffle into my mouth I placed my dishes into the sink and headed upstairs.
Feeling fresh after a hot shower I sat on my bed and text my best friend Cady. "Hey girl you still on for the party tonight?" Cady and I have been best friends since we were tots. Don't get me wrong we've had ups and downs but we've always gotten through it. Opening my wardrobe doors i stood in my towel deciding what to wear. Something casual. Just as I was finishing buttoning my jeans my phone buzzed indicating I had a text. "Hey Emma of course! I'll see you at 7 yeah? Xo" I sent a quick text back and then started on my hair and make up.
A couple hours had passed and we were now back home. Mum treated me to a new outfit, a manicure and we also had lunch. My mum spoils me too much, she says it's because I'm her only daughter but I'm always grateful and appreciative. I still had a while before the beach party so I went upstairs to my room and got everything ready. I lay my new outfit; a pair of ripped denim shorts, a white laced crop top and some sandals onto my bed. I sat at my work desk and opened my laptop. I browsed through my social media and noticed a few girls commenting about the party. Apparently the football squad are taking some other guys too. I quickly text Cady to inform her. "Hey Cades did you hear that the football squad are taking some guys to the party?" Not even a minute later Cady text back, "oh my god yes! Karen and Emily are posting it all over social media. You never know they might be cute!" I guess Cady was right, I hoped anyway. Time had passed quickly surprisingly and so it was time to get ready.
Finishing off my curls I brushed them out so my hair was wavy. My hair was a golden blonde, naturally straight but I liked it wavy. I applied some make up starting with foundation and then concealing and highlighting. I never really wear make up but when I do I like to take my time and do it proper. Hair and make up was done now all I had to do was get changed. I glanced over to my alarm clock and it showed 6.30pm. I walked over to my mirror and stared at my reflection. "Not bad" I thought. It was a beach party so I didn't see the need in dressing up all fancy. I grabbed my bag off the end of my bed and my phone and headed downstairs. "Well look at you, my gorgeous girl." My mum spoke as I stepped into the sitting room. I smiled hearing the compliment. "Thank you mum." I grinned hugging her. As my mum held me in her embrace a car horn beeped, it was Cady. "Mum I have to go, I'll see you soon. Love you." And with that I rushed out the door.
Just as I was waiting in line for a drink I happened to notice the football squad and their boy band. As they walked by I caught the eye of one of the guys. Tall, short brown messy hair, some stubble. Wearing blue denim jeans, a white tight tshirt showing every muscle possible, a checkered shirt on top and a pair of branded trainers. Cute. Strolling back over to Cady I couldn't help but gaze at the handsome creature. A few hours had gone by. The sky was pitch black and the only light was from the fire torches in the sand. Cady had gone to use one of those portable toilets. To say she was sober would be a lie, she's such a lightweight. Letting the sand fall through my fingers I felt a figure beside me. I looked up and it was the handsome creature. "Do you mind if I sit here?" The stranger spoke in a thick Irish accent. Lost for words I smiled and shook my head. "The names Killian, Killian Jones." As I stared in his eyes I snapped back to reality. "Emma, Emma Swan." I answered confidently.
A/N. I hope you'll like this new fanfic. Haven't wrote in a while but I promise to update regularly. Please read, vote, comment and if you have feedback that would be great!

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