Academy || Prolouge

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♔ hermoine ♔

Leaning on my toes I scratch off the last day on my calendar. It was time to start my seventh and final year at hogwarrs! Humming a simple tune I turn and skip over to my bed and zip the zipper. I couldn't wait to see all my old friends again! Of Course, I'd seen them all over the summer but now Id be able to see them everyday.

Taking my suit case by the handle I walk out of the small apartment I had rented for the summer. I would have stayed with the weaselys of course, but I didn't want to take up to much room as Harry had already claimed his spot there. Also, there was the whole Ron thing. Over our years at hogwarts I had fallen hopelessly in love with Ron. And during the war, when he kissed me... Well I thought it had meant somthing. Apparently not, as a few days later when I'd brought it up he'd told me to forget a that it ever happend. And then a few days after that I walked in on him snogging Luna Lovegood! So as you can tell the situation there was intresting to say the least.

None of that mattered anymore though. This year at hogwarts would be my last, maybe if I tried them I could find love!


"Come on Moine' it's just a little adventure!" Ginny says smiling. "No. For the lasts time, I am not going in to that forest Ginny! You would have to physically force me to." "Mmmm good idea." "Don't you da-." She cuts me off with the silencing spell and lifts me in the air. "Good day for an adventure, don't ya' think hermoine?" She asks while walking. In response I glare at her. "I wonder... Do you think we'll see a unicorn?" I roll my eyes. Unicorns were rare.
Almost never spotted.

As we stroll or shall I say she strolls along in the forest I gaze at the stars. Connecting them to together I make out shapes. A peace sign, a bow and arrow, a...Apple?

Then a crack from the woods gains our attention. Taking off the spell Ginny sets me on the ground. There's another crack from behind us and a nervous sweat drips down my back. "What in the bloody hell was that?" I ask before a terrifying growl comes from the forest. I look at the sky again and see somthing I hadn't before. A full moon...

"Hermoineletsgo." Ginny says before beginning to jog away. I'm about to jog after her but a streak of silver dashing in between the trees stops me. A unicorn. It bends down nuzzling it's leg for a moment and I'm memorized by its beauty. I had only seen one other unicorn up close before, in my first year, and it was dead. Now, seeing one alive I'm amazing by its grace and beauty. Pearing closer at the magestical creature I self conciously move forward. A twig snaps form behind both of us causing us to turn around. It takes the unicorn one glance at what ever is there before it charges off. As my eyes fixtate on the approaching fidgure I regret my dision on not going with Ginny.
She'd be almost at the castle now and wouldn't check to see if I was following till she got there. I was screwed.

My air flow halts in my troat as I realize that a vampire is standing directly in front of me. "Shit." I mumble and take a step backwards. Then, another twig snaps and I whip my head around. Only then do I realize that I'm now surrounded by vampires.
Hungry vampires.

Ainexty seeps through my body till I'm litrally gasping for air. One of the vampires smiles slightly at me. His hair shimmers in the moonlight and I close my eyes. "It'll be quick princess. You won't feel a thing."

Only it wasn't quick... Not in the slightest. As the shimmery haired vampire lunges at me, he digs his pointed teeth into my neck. Letting a shriek escape my lips I try to shove him away but he won't budge. Then the others join in...This was worse then anything I'd ever experienced before. Worse then when Malfoys lunatic aunt carved 'mudblood' in my arm. Thinking the name in my head I realized I hadn't seen malfoy at all on my return to hogwarts... Good I thought.

Frozen in pain as the vicious vampire take turns I wish and wait and wait for death. But then the wind changes, and with it comes a howl. In a few seconds a strikingly blonde wolf growls at the vampires. And go my suprise they all run away. Why would vampires run away from a wolf? Why not stay and fight it off? The. The wolf did somthing that suprised me. It looked sympathetic. A wolf capable of emotion. The. I realized this was not ordinary wolf. A werewolf to be exact. Who knew werewolves could be blonde... Meeting my eyes again one last time the wolf ran off leaving me crippled in the leaves.

Even on the brink of death I had the same crave for information. I needed to know why a group of vampires would run form one scrawny wolf. I needed to know ehy the wolf wouldn't eat me afterwards. And why I wasn't dead yet! Closing my eyes form exhaustion or wishing the pain away or possibly both I found myself slipping. And the last thing I remembered was Ginny's panicked voice screaming.

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