Chapter 1 - Goodbyes

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Hermoine =

I sniffle a bit as a tear drops down my face. Who ever said vampires don't cry was lying... Because some of us cry a lot. It was Christmas vacation at hogwarts. The reason why Harry was able to escort me to the train to my new school. The academy for vampires and werewolves.

For the past few months of my awaiting my acceptance letter I worked at a coffee shop. The idea of drinking blood discusted me so much that I couldn't bring myself to even be near somone who had blood in there body for the first week. I starved though, and it hurt to move even a finger so eventually I gave in. I had been reading twilight the summer before it happend, so then an Idea formed in my head. It wasn't how the book describes it though. It was like drinking lemon and milk and coke mixed together. Discusting. It worked though. I was able to move again and so I got a job. No one ther suspected a thing, it was like I was normal. But not the normal I wished to be...

The clicking of my suit case became iratating after a while so I decided to sit down. We were at my stop anyway and I was early.

I tilt my head back and watch as a train pulls in. Several vampires step off and run to the exit and in to the forest surrounding the station protecting it from muggle eye.

It catches my attention when a certain blonde walks by. What was he doing here. I guess when he didn't return to hogwarts we assumed he was thrown in azcaban after all, but apparently not.

He sits on the bench beside ours and fumbles around in his backpack for somthing before a pulling it out. A green apple, ovcourse. He begins taking loud bites out of it as Harry and I openly glare. When he's finished he toes sea the core under the train and zips up his bag.

Then he does somthing suprise he looks at us. "Enjoying the veiw Granger?" He asks. "Do youmean yourself?" "Who else?" "Then no."

The train toots loudly signalling us to get on and I stand up and hug Harry. "I'll miss you." I say before taking my suitcase by the handle and entering the train.

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