Dartz x reader

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Reader's P.o.v
It was dark you felt so cold you have lost all of your family when an insane murderer had broken into your parents house and killed them all.Now you felt dead inside all you could see you now with hatred and a thirst for revenge against the man who murdered your parents. You walk through the streets of Domino's city the rain was not really helping your mood. You felt like there was nothing left for you then you suddenly hear a voice."You poor girl, life has treated you so harshly" a Man says. You jump slightly in surprise you turn to face the man who just spoke to you when you turn around you see a man with two different colored eyes and what seems like teal hair. He has a soft smile that sets your mind at ease. "Who are you?" You ask the man." I am someone who was just to help you my name is Dartz" he says walking over to you he holds his umbrella over the both of you.
" Now if I may ask what is your name Miss?" Dartz asks. "My name is (Y/n)" you say.*(Y/n) how horrible that, that man could be so merciless and kill your parent's" Dartz says. Your whole body freezes in place "H-How d-did you know about that?" You ask. Dartz smirks "I know many things and I want to help you get revenge on the man who hurt you and I want you to help me make this world better to rid this Earth of all evil" Dartz says looking into your eyes. " do you really think that you can make this world a better place and help me?" You ask looking into his eyes. "Yes I do (Y/n)" Dartz says.
Dartz grins and pulls you close to him."lets go" Dartz says as the two of you walk off.


It's been a while now since that day Dartz kept his promise you got your revenge and ever since then you've been helping too create a better world as he said. I know you're walking to his office him having cold for you to come to his office. You knock on the door Softly "come in" Dartz says. You open the door and go inside and close the door behind you and you see Dartz over by the window looking out over the city. He turns to look at you and give you a small smile "Ahh (Y/n) it is good to see you again and I trust that you have been doing well" Dartz says. " yes things have been going well and it is good to see you again too sir" you say. " please just call me Dartz" he says chuckling a little at your formality. "I missed you (Y/n)" Dartz say something he would never stay it out loud but he really did care for you he has really grown close to you and felt a connection that he hadn't in a long time with another living being."(Y/n) I have been wanting to tell you that's a long time but I really care about you and I want you to be mine and I want you to rule by my side in the new world we create" Dartz says. You blush but smile and kiss Dartz lovingly love something you haven't felt in a very long time but it seems like two broken Hearts can mend each other.


I'm so sorry guys for not updating and I'm sorry if this one is not very good but I haven't been doing very well things have just been going not good for me lately so I might not be posting for a while I just I have writer's block and things just going all crazy so I'm going to spend some time with my family and try to get things back on but I'll still be writing the stories I just won't be posting as often I'm sorry for the wait in for any inconvenience also this was requested by Maximoff216

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