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Jackie's P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of birds tweeting, Grayson's arm is tight around my waist. I slowly sneak out from his grasp.

As soon as I get up I have the urge to throw up, I run to the bathroom and empty what was left in my stomach into the toilet.
I hear footsteps running towards me,"Jackie are you okay?" Asks Grayson who is now holding my hair gently and rubbing my back. "Yeah I'm fine ,I guess I just ate something bad." I tell him, I think I might be pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant.. What if he leaves me if I am pregnant, We never really talked about our future.

Grayson's P.O.V
"Yeah I'm fine ,I guess I just ate something bad" she tells me,That doesn't make sense. We ate the exact same thing,I'm not gonna think too much about it. I'll take care of her until she is better.

*A few days later*
Jackie's P.O.V
It's been 5 Days. I am puking every morning, I was supposed to start my period 4 days ago.. I am on my way to the pharmacy to get some pregnancy tests.

I walk into the store and walk through the Pregnancy stuff isle. I look at the test once it's in my hand, I suddenly realized that I am most probably a mother. I can't deal with this... I need to go to the hotel now and see if I am or not. Grayson is currently at the grocery store getting some food, He wants to make a special supper for us.

I get to the hotel and Walk into the bathroom, I open the box of the test. I bought two just in case. I pee on the stick and I wait for a while after I wash my hands.
After 10 minutes of being on my phone I walk to the bathroom,Nervous and terrified of the results.
I pick up the little stick and I see a pink + sign. "I'm.Pregnant" I whisper and I lean against the closed bathroom door and sob,I slowly drop to the ground.
A bunch of thoughts rush through my head. I start to feel slightly dizzy as my sobs get louder. My eyes get heavy and Everything goes black.
Grayson's P.O.V
I arrive at our hotel room,"Jackie,I'm back". "Jackie?" I start running through the room trying to find her, I run to the washroom and slowly pull the door open,Jackie's body falls onto my feet. "JACKIE?! WAKE UP!" I look around the room and try to find something that could help me wake her up. As I look on the counter I see a positive pregnancy test. This is why she has been sick for the past couple days. I start running cold water from the tap,and fill up a cup. "I'm sorry Jackie" I say before I splash the freezing cold water on her face.
She gasps as she wakes up. "G-Grayson" she cries into my arms, "I know Jackie... It's okay, I'm glad to be a father." I say as I kiss her head. "R-really?" She says as she looks up into my eyes, "Of course I am babe, the baby has an amazing mother" I tell her.
"Well the baby has an amazing father" she says.
So yeah now they have a little baby.. What gender do you think its gonna be? Let me know

Trapped •G.D•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin