Cats and dogs? Um... I don't think so...

637 28 18

Hey guys gals and other pals!
So a little while back I was in math class and I was telling the people at my table about my fantasy story for school that had a lesbian couple in it. I was telling them about the tragedy in it and I was like "yeah basically at the end the girl kills her girlfriend the kills herself" and they started laughing like crazy and saying things like "HER girlfriend?! " after they were finished laughing, they started whispering and then they finally asked if I was straight. I am very open about my sexuality, so I said "no, but I'm not gay either" and they were like "so your bisexual? " and I am used to getting questions like that so I kindly said "no I'm attracted to any gender or lack thereof" and they where like "so your bisexual? " and I said "no, there are more then two genders" and they just started laughing again and saying that I was attracted to cats and dogs too -.- so yeah... Another rant thing.. But whatever! You guys have any storys you want to rant about? Say them in the comment section!

Just remember you are valid no matter what! ❤

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