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Even though I am pretty late with this... Okay so I was tagged by soccerkitty7 to say 13 things about myself, sooo, HERE WE GO!

1. Gummy's are my fuel

2. My favorite animal used to be a wolf, but now I am debating what it is... It might be Bunny's

3. I have 2 small dogs, 2 corn snakes, and a bearded dragon!

4. Laurence is my senpai (WOOOAH SHOCKER 😂)

5. IRL I constantly make "really annoying" puns!!! THEY'RE HILARIOUS.

6. I think sans is the most Sans-ational character in Undertale, sorry papyrus and asriel! He's just so HUMERUS! And not to mention he makes a skele-ton of skele-puns!!!

7. I love watching anime and hanging out with my friends! Some of my favorite anime's are: Seven deadly sins, RWBY, Sword art online, Mirai Nikki/Thefuture diary, etc.!

8. I am a potato

 I am a potato

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10. I love singing, and listening to music. I am in chorus, and I will sing along to any song, even if I funny know it that well! I'm an alto, but I can go to Baritone and soprano a little. It's easier to go to baritone out of those two though.

11. I have an annoying sister who, even though can be really mean and rude. I do love her

12. I'm the youngest out of 4 siblings. It is not fun being the youngest 😬 sometimes I guess it can be though

13. 13!!! see what I did there? Meh, I am 13!

14. And I am doing 14 because this needs to be said... So yeah I love to draw but I wish I could draw better! I am also doing 14 because soccerkitty7 said not to do 14 😆 love you fam, but it's just funny!

Well... That's all I have for that! soccerkitty7 tagged a lot of the people I would of tagged also... SO I AM TAGGING THEM AGAIN. So I am going to tag:






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